Supporters & Exhibitors

Important Dates

Aug. 18, 2014
Acceptance notification

Sept. 15, 2014
Deadline for final paper submission
& Author registration deadline

Oct. 31, 2014
Slides due to session chairs

Nov. 9, 2014
Speaker rehearsal

Nov. 10-12, 2014

Local Time (GMT+8)

Taipei, Taiwan

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
A-SSCC Student Travel Grant Award

Deadline: October 20, 2014

The IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society will offer several travel grants to help student members who would otherwise not be able to attend A-SSCC in 2014. These awards will provide stipends of up to USD $500 each. The winners will be notified by email by the end of October, 2014.

Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be members of the Solid-State Circuits Society, have not previously received a Student Travel Grant Award, have been enrolled in a PhD program for at least one year, and be fulltime students at the time of their request. You can join SSCS at

  • Biographical Information
    • Name
    • Mailing Address
    • Email address
    • IEEE member number
    • Name of School and Department
    • Name of advisor or major professor
    • Email address of advisor
    • Grade point average in graduate level courses: __________ out of a possible total of __________. (Example: 3.5 out of 4.0)

  • Academic Profile
    A one- page summary (up to 250 words) of academic background, including degrees granted and grade point average of each; PhD research topic; reason(s) for wanting to attend the Conference.

  • Recommendation
    A one-page recommendation (up to 250 words) from your advisor or major professor. Please note that he or she may recommend only one student in a given year.

Please email all the above information in one PDF file to [email protected] no later than Oct. 20, 2014.
