2014 IEEE Asia Solid-State Circuits
Advanced Program
DAY 1: Nov. 10 (Monday) | ||||||||
08:30-18:00 | Registration (Lobby, 39F) | |||||||
09:00-10:20 | Tutorial 1 Low-voltage Analog and RF Circuits in Scaled Technologies Peter Kinget / Columbia University (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Tutorial 2 Design of On-Chip Switched-Capacitor Power Converters Wing-Hung Ki / HKUST (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
10:20-10:40 | Break (drinks/refreshments) | |||||||
10:40-12:00 | Tutorial 2 Design of On-Chip Switched-Capacitor Power Converters Wing-Hung Ki / HKUST (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Tutorial 1 Low-voltage Analog and RF Circuits in Scaled Technologies Peter Kinget / Columbia University (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
12:00-13:00 | Break | |||||||
13:00-14:20 | Tutorial 3 Energy efficient digital design – a circuit's perspective Wim Dehaene / MICAS, KU Leuven & IMEC (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Tutorial 4 Digital circuits and design techniques for security and cryptography Ingrid Verbauwhede / COSIC, KU Leuven & UCLA (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
14:20-14:40 | Break (drinks/refreshments) | |||||||
14:40-16:00 | Tutorial 4 Digital circuits and design techniques for security and cryptography Ingrid Verbauwhede / COSIC, KU Leuven & UCLA (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Tutorial 3 Energy efficient digital design – a circuit's perspective Wim Dehaene / MICAS, KU Leuven & IMEC (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
16:00-18:00 | SDC Exhibition (Diamond III, 41F) | |||||||
19:00-20:30 | Welcome Reception (Diamond II/III, 41F) SDC Exhibition | |||||||
Note: Each tutorial lasts 80 minutes and is given twice. |
DAY 2: Nov. 11 (Tuesday) | ||||||||
07:45-18:00 | Registration (41F) | |||||||
08:30-08:50 | Opening Ceremony (Diamond II, 41F) | |||||||
08:50-09:35 | Session 01: Plenary Talk 1 Mobile Display Technologies -Past, Present and Future- Mr. Hiroyuki Ohshima / Japan Display Inc. (Diamond II, 41F) |
09:40-10:25 | Session 01: Plenary Talk 2 Internet of Things: Evolution towards a Hyper-Connected Society Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi / SK Telecom (Diamond II, 41F) |
10:25-10:50 | Break (drinks/refreshments, 41F) / SDC Exhibition (Diamond I, 41F) | |||||||
10:50-12:20 | Industry Session 02 Communication Systems (Diamond II, 41F) |
Industry Session 03 Industrial Digital Subsystems (Diamond III, 41F) |
SDC Exhibition (Diamond I, 41F) |
12:20-13:35 | Break | |||||||
13:35-15:40 | Session 04 Energy-efficient Digital Circuits and Systems (Diamond II, 41F) |
Session 05 DC-DC Converters (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Session 06 High-speed Data Converters (Diamond III, 41F) |
Session 07 Wireline Transceivers (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
15:40-16:00 | Break (drinks/refreshments, 38F) | |||||||
16:00-18:00 | Session 08: Panel What is a good way to expand a silicon value to a solution value? |
Organizer/Co-organizer: Moderator: Panelists / Position: |
Tzi-Dar Chiueh, National Taiwan University Toru Shimizu, Keio University Gregory Chen, Intel Chen Yi Lee, National Chiao Tung University / Medical and Healthcare Charles Hsu, eMemory / Security in IoT Tihao Chiang, Ambarella Taiwan / Video and Surveillance Zhi-Hwa Wang, Tsinghua University / IoT and Healthcare Dae Seok Byeon, Samsung Electronics Co. / PC Jongwoo Lee, Samsung / Mobile Yasumoto Tomita, Fujitsu Laboratories / Interconnect Takayuki Kawahara, Tokyo University of Science / Memory System |
(Opal Ballroom, 38F) | ||||||||
19:00-21:00 | Banquet (Diamond II, 41F) | |||||||
DAY 3: Nov. 12 (Wednesday) | ||||||||
07:45-18:00 | Registration (41F) | |||||||
08:30-09:15 | Session 09: Plenary Talk 3 Semiconductor Innovation into the Next Decade Dr. Jack Y.-C. Sun / TSMC (Diamond II, 41F) |
09:20-10:05 | Session 09: Plenary Talk 4 Energy Efficient Computing in Nanoscale CMOS: Challenges and Opportunities Dr. Vivek De / Intel (Diamond II, 41F) |
10:05-10:25 | Break (drinks/refreshments, 41F) | |||||||
10:25-12:30 | Session 10 Memory Technology (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
Session 11 Sensor Applications (Diamond III, 41F) |
Session 12 mm-wave and THz (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Session 13 Biomedical Circuits and Systems (Diamond II, 41F) |
12:30-13:30 | Break | |||||||
13:30-15:35 | Session 14 SoC and Signal Processing Techniques (Diamond II, 41F) |
Session 15 Analog Circuits and Systems (Diamond III, 41F) |
Session 16 RF Systems (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Session 17 Equalizer and Clock Data Recovery (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
15:35-15:55 | Break (drinks/refreshments, 41F and 42F) | |||||||
15:55-18:00 | Session 18 Circuit Techniques for Emerging Applications (Diamond II, 41F) |
Session 19 Low Power ADCs (Diamond III, 41F) |
Session 20 RF Building Blocks (Amber+Coral, 42F) |
Session 21 High-speed Wireline Building Blocks (Agate+Pearl, 42F) |
18:00-19:30 | Farewell Social Hour (Diamond I, 41F) |
Day 1 Monday,
November 10, 2014
[Tutorial 1]
TITLE Low-voltage
Analog and RF Circuits in Scaled Technologies
DATE / TIME November
10, 2014 (Monday) / 09:00-12:00 hrs
ROOM Amber+Coral, 42F (09:00-10:20)
42F (10:40-12:00)
Kinget, Columbia University
Peter Kinget is a Professor of Electrical
Engineering at Columbia University, NY. He is also a consulting expert on
patent litigation and a technical consultant to industry. His research
interests are in analog, RF and power integrated circuits and the applications they
enable in communications, sensing, and power manage-ment. He is a fellow of the
IEEE, is widely published and received several awards. He has been a
"Distinguished Lecturer" for the Solid-State Circuits Society, and an
Associate Editor of the Journal of Solid State Circuits and the Transactions on
Circuits and Systems II. He has served on the program committees of many of the
major solid-state circuits conferences and is currently an elected member of
the IEEE SSCS Adcom.
CMOS technology scaling has fueled tremendous progress in electronics and has
enabled system-on-chip (SoC) products. Scaling increases the performance and
density for digital signal processing, computation and memory. But, analog and
RF circuits remain the critical interfaces to connect the digital cores of SoCs
to the physical world and need to satisfy increasing performance demands. At
the same time, designing analog and RF functions with sub-1V supply voltages in
scaled processes is very challenging.
This tutorial will start with reviewing the basic analog and RF low voltage
challenges and how they force a rethinking of even the most basic circuit
blocks. We will review design solutions to operate analog and RF circuits with
supply voltages down to 0.5V. They range from exploiting the 4 terminals of the
MOS device, to the use of circuit topologies that require only stacks of few
devices, to the complete reengineering of the circuit architecture or even the
use of different analog information representations. They will be illustrated
with design examples of full analog and RF system functions.
[Tutorial 2]
TITLE Design
of On-Chip Switched-Capacitor Power Converters
DATE / TIME November
10, 2014 (Monday) / 09:00-12:00 hrs
ROOM Agate+Pearl, 42F (09:00-10:20)
42F (10:40-12:00)
Wing-Hung Ki received his BSc from University of
California, San Diego (UCSD, 1984), MSc from California Institute of Technology
(Caltech, 1985), and PhD from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA,
1995), all in electrical engineering. From 1992 to 1995, he worked for Micro
Linear, San Jose, on the design of power converter controllers. He joined the
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 1995, and is
currently a professor of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering.
His research interests are IC techniques for power management circuits, power
transponders for RFID and energy harvesting applications, and fundamental
research in switching converters, charge pumps and analog IC techniques.
Abstract: With the increasing demand of
integrating voltage regulators completely on-chip, switched-capacitor power
converters that consist of only capacitors and switches are gaining popularity
as substitutes for inductor-based DC-DC converters. Switched-capacitor power
converters (SCPCs) are often known as charge pumps, especially for those with
voltage conversion ratios larger than unity.
tutorial starts with classifications of charge pumps. Charge balance law is
then introduced, and charge redistribution loss is discussed. Topologies of
step-up charge pumps are generated systematically using the ANTZ (all negative
nodes to zero) principle, and efficiency optimization is presented. Gate
control techniques, loss reduction considerations, single-branch, dual-branch
and multi-phase implementations and step-down charge pumps will also be
[Tutorial 3]
TITLE Energy
Efficient Digital Design – a Circuit's Perspective
DATE / TIME November
10, 2014 (Monday) / 13:00-16:00 hrs
ROOM Amber+Coral, 42F (13:00-14:20)
42F (14:40-16:00)
SPEAKER WimDehaene,
WimDehaene received the M. Sc. degree in
electrical and mechanical engineering in 1991 from the KatholiekeUniversiteit
Leuven. In November 1996 he received the Ph. D degree at the
KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven. In November 1996 he joined Alcatel
Microelectronics, Belgium. There he was a senior project leader for the
feasibility, design and development of mixed mode Systems on Chip. The
application domains were telephony, xDSL and high speed wireless LAN. In July
2002 WimDehaene joined the staff of the ESAT-MICAS laboratory of the
KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven where he is now a full professor. His research
domain is circuit level design of digital circuits. The current focus is on
ultra low power signal processing and memories in advanced CMOS technologies.
Part of this research is performed in cooperation with IMEC, Belgium where he
is also a part time principal scientist. WimDehaene is teaching several classes
on electrical engineering and digital circuit and system design. He is also
very interested in the didactics of engineering. As such he is guiding several
projects aiming to bring engineering to youngsters and he is a teacher in the
teacher education program of the KULeuven. WimDehaene is a senior member of the
IEEE and served on the technical program committee of DATE, ESSCIRC and ISSCC.
Abstract: In this tutorial the design of energy
efficient digital circuit design will be addressed. The focus will be on
transistor and gate level and eventually microarchitecture. The tutorial will
start by introducing the problem: where does the energy go in digital circuits
and why is energy efficiency even more of an issue as the CMOS technology
becomes more advanced. This will put static leakage and device variability on
the map. From there on several techniques to improve the energy efficiency will
be explained. Both dynamic and static energy (leakage) will be dealt with. It
will be shown that design strategies for energy efficiency are different for
logic and memory design. Therefore design examples from both domains will be
[Tutorial 4]
TITLE Digital
Circuits and Design Techniques for Security and Cryptography
DATE / TIME November
10, 2014 (Monday) / 13:00-16:00 hrs
ROOM Agate+Pearl, 42F (13:00-14:20)
42F (14:40-16:00)
SPEAKER Ingrid Verbauwhede, COSIC, KU Leuven & UCLA
Verbauwhedeis a Professor in the research group COSIC of
the EE Department of the KU Leuven in Belgium. At COSIC, she leads the embedded
systems and hardware group. She is also adjunct professor at the EE department
at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. She has experience as a post-doctoral researcher and
lecturer at UC Berkeley and she worked for TCSI and Atmel in Berkeley, CA. She
received her MSc and PhD degree from KU Leuven in 1991. She is a Member of IACR
and the Belgian Academy of Science and she is a fellow of IEEE. Her main
interest is in the design and the design methods for secure embedded circuits
and systems. Her list of
publications and patents is available at www.esat.kuleuven.be/cosic.
Abstract: E-Health, e-commerce, smart meters,
cyber physical systems, and many more, all need secure and efficient
implementations of cryptography for their correct and trusted operation.
cryptographic algorithms into embedded devices, is a challenge for efficiency
reasons as well as security reasons. Because the algorithms use unusual
arithmetic, are computationally intensive and often use very large word
lengths, it is difficult to fit them into the area, throughput, power and/or energy constraints. Moreover,
the implementations have to be made resistant to a wide range of physical
attacks, both invasive and non-invasive. Thus adding countermeasures to the
implementations, adds an extra optimization goal. In this tutorial,
implementations for efficiency as well as security of cryptographic algorithms
will be covered.
[Student Design Contest]
DATE / TIME November
10, 2014 (Monday) / 16:00-20:30 hrs
ROOM Diamond III, 41F
Day 2 Tuesday,
November 11, 2014
Opening Ceremony
DATE / TIME November
11, 2014 (Monday) / 08:30-08:50 hrs
ROOM Diamond II, 41F
Session 01:
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 08:50-10:25 hrs
Venue Diamond II,
[Plenary Talk 1]
TITLE Mobile
Display Technologies – Past, Present, and Future
DATE / TIME November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 08:50-09:35hrs
SPEAKER Hiroyuki Ohshima, CSO/Deputy CTO, Japan Display Inc.
Ohshima completed his BS
degree from Tokyo University in 1979, and joined Seiko Epson. He has been engaged in TFT LCD
technologies and the FPD industry for more than 30 years. In 1983, he developed high-temperature
poly-Si TFT (HTPS) and applied it to the world's first color TFT LCD. It was his first achievement in his TFT
history, and was presented at SID in 1983.
Later, he redirected his R&D efforts towards development of
low-temperature poly-Si TFT (LTPS), and his pioneering efforts have greatly
contributed to the rapid growth of the mobile display industry.
In 2002, he joined Toppoly in Taiwan as Chief Technology Officer. He experienced a two-company merger with
Philips Mobile Displays in 2006 as well as the subsequent three-company merger
with Innolux and Chimei in 2010.
In 2012, he was invited to join Japan Display Inc. to leverage his
world-class experiences and expertise in display technologies and business, and
serves as Chief Strategy Officer and Deputy Chief Technology Officer.
He received SID Fellow Award in 2000, SID Special Recognition Award in
1995, and SID Outstanding Paper Awards in 1985 and 1984.
Abstract: Full-color flat panel displays represented by TFT
LCD have enabled many new applications such as digital camera, notebook PC and
thin flat-screen TV by intensive research activities throughout the world over
the years. Recently, small-sized mobile display development has been leading
the R&D to support severe requirements of smartphones and tablet PCs. For
the screens of those applications, high definition, high visual quality, low
power consumption, small form factor and easy-to-use touch user-interface are
critical values. The trend shows that even higher pixel density and lower power
consumption are required for the future smart devices. In this presentation,
mobile display market and the recent technical achievements are reviewed. In
addition, expectations on semiconductor technologies for the development of
future displays and user-interfaces will be discussed.
[Plenary Talk 2]
TITLE Internet
of Things: Evolution towards a Hyper-Connected Society
DATE / TIME November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 09:40-10:25 hrs
SPEAKER Alex Jinsung Choi, SK Telecom, South Korea
Dr. Alex
Jinsung Choi is serving as
Executive Vice President and Head of ICT R&D Division of SK Telecom. Dr.
Choi joined SK Telecom in 2012 as Senior Vice President and Head of Technology
Strategy Office. He is responsible for building the company's technology
roadmaps and strategies aimed at securing technology leadership in the
rapidly-evolving mobile marketplace. In line with the company's efforts to open
a new LTE 2.0 era, his focus is currently on developing next generation network
technologies including LTE and LTE-A.
Choi has over 20 years of experience in the mobile telecommunications
industry. Before joining SK Telecom, he held various key positions at LG
Electronics including EVP & Head of Mobile Communications Business Unit,
EVP & Head of Mobile Core Technology Lab and SVP & Head of
Next-Generation Telecommunications Lab. Choi is credited with developing the
world's first LTE handset modem chip and launching LG's first LTE Android
smartphone. He has also actively participated in global standardization
activities through 3GPP, NGMN, OMA and ITU.
He received his Bachelor's degree in Control and Instrumentation Engineering
from Seoul National University; and Master's Degree in Computer Engineering and
Doctor's degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern
Abstract: IoT(Internet of Things) will encompass all aspects
for our lives and will generate a genuine paradigm shift for a hyper-connected
society. As more and more little things or objects are connected to the
Internet, huge volumes of data are being generated and being processed into useful
actions that can make our lives much easier and safer. This creates heavy
traffic in existing network systems and therefore causes new challenges for
next generation systems. To overcome challenges, IoT systems should be more
flexible and scalable to manage and operate than ever before. Cloud computing
and big data analytics should be converged into infra. These enable systems to
react faster to the needs of service, while driving greater operational
efficiency and intelligence. Also, IoT systems must be vertically optimized
from Integrated circuits, SoC and devices to network, platform and applications
in order to provide extremely low energy consumption, cost-effectiveness,
service quality and reliability. That's why IoT is composed of entire technologies
including sensing, embedded processing, connectivity and application with
highly fragmented markets. Another essential challenge of IoT systems is to
guarantee full security and privacy across the entire signal path. Security at
the device, network and system levels is paramount for the safe and reliable
operation of IoT connected devices. It is, in fact, the foundational enabler of
IoT. All these challenges and requirements for IoT systems mean no single
company can develop full solutions completely. A broad and rich ecosystem of
partner companies will be required to bring IoT services to the market. In this
talk, IoT vision and recent R&D challenges of SK telecom as a service
provider will be addressed.
Session 02:
Communication Systems
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesdsay) / 10:50-12:20hrs
Venue Diamond II, 41F
Chair ShiroDosho,
Panasonic, Japan
Co-Chair Hsiang-Hui
Chang, MediaTek, Taiwan
2-1 |
10:50-11:20 |
A Reconfigurable Analog Baseband for Single-Chip, Saw-Less,
2G/3G/4G Cellular Transceivers with Carrier Aggregation
Lee, Byungki Han, Jae-Hyun Lim, Su-SeobAhn, Jaekwon Kim, Thomas Cho
Samsung Electronics, South Korea.
This paper
describes an analog baseband for single-chip 2G/3G/4G MIMO transceivers. By
capacitor sharing technique and log tuning, the RX filter is programmable to
set fc from 0.1 to 14MHz with 2% accuracy with 93dB gain range which is
linear-in-dB. The TX filter suppresses DAC images and noise for Saw-less with
constant or ramping envelope. A digital calibration adjusts fc, Q, and DC
offset. The filter implemented in 65nm CMOS, occupies 2.79mm2, and
consumes 7.3/8.4/10.2mW with 1.2V supply for 2G/3G/4G, respectively. This chip
is in mass production for handheld products.
Keywords: CMOS analog filter, logarithmic
tuning resistor
2-2 |
11:20-11:50 |
A Low-Power Single-Chip Transceiver for 169/300/400/900 MHz Band
Wireless Sensor Networks
Oba, Eiji Okada, Ayako Tachibana, Koji Takahashi, Masahiko Sagisaka
Panasonic Corporation, Japan.
low-power transceiver for wireless sensor networks at sub-GHz frequency bands
is presented, which integrates an RF frontend as well as a digital baseband and
a MAC layer into a single 3.0 mm2 chip. The transceiver covers
169/300/400/900 MHz bands and supports FSK/GFSK modulation with a data rate
from 1.2 to 200 kbps. A prototype is fabricated in 65 nm CMOS, achieving only
8.2 mA in the RX and 23 mA in the TX with +10 dBm output power at 915 MHz from
a 3.3 V supply.
Keywords: Low-Power, Single-Chip, Wireless
Sensor Networks, Active Inductor, Harmonic-Rejection
2-3 |
11:50-12:20 |
A 1.4Mpixel CMOS Image Sensor with Multiple Row-Rescan Based Data
Sampling for Optical Camera Communication
Deguchi, Toshiyuki Yamagishi, Hideaki Majima, Nau Ozaki, Kazuhiro Hiwada,
Makoto Morimoto, TatsujiAshitani, ShouheiKousai
Toshiba Corporation, Japan.
1.4Mpixel CMOS image sensor (CIS) with multiple row-rescan (MRR) based data
sampling for optical camera communication (OCC) is presented. The CIS achieves a data sampling rate at
a row-scan rate of 51kS/s even with a frame rate of 30fps, a pixel size of
2.2um × 2.2um by multiply rescanning the rows at a modulated LED spot. The detectable minimum LED size
projected onto the CIS becomes 13.2um × 13.2um. The MRR could be a practical solution
for IEEE 802.15.SG7a OCC.
Keywords: IEEE 802.15.7 VLC, IEEE 802.15.SG7a
OCC, CMOS image sensor, multiple row-rescan
Session 03:
Industrial Digital Subsystems
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 10:50-12:20hrs
Venue Diamond III,
Chair Daisaburo Takashima, Toshiba, Japan
Co-Chair Ron Ho, Altera, USA
3-1 |
10:50-11:20 |
A 2.4 pJ Ferroelectric-Based Non-Volatile Flip-Flop with 10-Year
Data Retention Capability
Kimura2, Takaaki Fuchikami2, Kyoji Marumoto2, Yoshikazu
Fujimori2, Shintaro Izumi1, Hiroshi Kawaguchi1,
Masahiko Yoshimoto1
University, Japan.
Co., Ltd., Japan.
ferroelectric-based (FE-based) non-volatile flip-flop (NVFF) is proposed for
low-power LSI. Since leakage current in a logic circuit can be cut off by
non-volatile storage capability of NVFFs, the standby power is reduced to zero.
The use of complementarily stored data in coupled FE capacitors makes it
possible to achieve 88% reduction of FE capacitor size with a wide voltage margin
of 240mV (minimum) at 1.5V, which results in 2.4pJ low access energy with
10-year data retention capability. Applying the proposed circuitry in 32bit
CPU, its power consumption becomes 13% of that of conventional one with area
overhead of 64% using 130nm CMOS with Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films.
Keywords: Non-volatile logic, Non-volatile
flip-flop, Ferroelectric capacitor, Low power, Microporcessor
3-2 |
11:20-11:50 |
40 nm Dual-Port and Two-Port SRAMs for Automotive MCU Applications
Under -40 to 170øC Wide Temperature Range with Test Screening Circuit Against
Write Disturb Issue
Yokoyama1, Yuichiro Ishii1, Koji Tanaka1,
Tatsuya Fukuda1, Yoshiki Tsujihashi1, Astushi Miyanishi1,
Shinobu Asayama2, Keiichi Maekawa2, Kazutoshi Shiba2,
Koji Nii1
Electronics, Japan.
Semiconductor Manufacturing, Japan.
2-read/write dual-port SRAM and 1-read/1-write two-port SRAM with stable
operation under widely various temperatures of -40 to 170øC are implemented in
40 nm embedded flash CMOS technology for automotive microcontroller
applications. To reduce the leakage current and ensure the read/write operating
margin at over 125C, process and sizing optimized new 8T SRAM bitcell with is
proposed. A test circuits for screening the disturb failures for dual-port and
two-port SRAM s are also proposed. Designed and fabricated test chips showed
the measured Vmin are achieved under 0.7 V with good distribution. We confirmed
the proposed test circuits can screen the disturb failures effectively.
Keywords: SRAM, MCU, 40 nm, 170øC, disturb, 8T,
dual-port, two-port, memory, screening, testability
3-3 |
11:50-12:20 |
A UHS-II SD Card Controller with 240MB/S Write Throughput and
260MB/S Read Throughput
Yasufuku1, Naoto Oshiyama1, Toshitada Saito1, Yukimasa
Miyamoto1, Yutaka Nakamura1, Ryota Terauchi1,
Atsushi Kondo1, Takuma Aoyama1, Masafumi Takahashi1,
Yukihito Oowaki1, Ryoichi Bandai2
Corporation, Japan.
Microelectronics Corporation, Japan.
This paper
presents a UHS-II SD card controller with 240MB/s write and 260MB/s read
throughput. Two opposite direction IO lanes for down- and up-streams are
quickly switched as single direction for double data rate, without adding extra
IO pins. The proposed clock data recovery (CDR) logic can detect symbols within
20ns and minimizes this lane switching overhead. The developed SLVS-type driver
that can reduce the common to differential return loss by 15dB is also
introduced to improve the noise tolerance.
Keywords: SD cards, UHS-II, serial interface,
bidirectional, CDR, return loss
Session 04:
Energy-efficient Digital Circuits & Systems
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 13:35-15:40hrs
Venue Diamond II,
Chair Keiichi Kushida, Toshiba, Japan
Co-Chair Tai-Jyi Lin, Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
4-1 |
13:35-14:00 |
A 0.43pJ/Bit True Random Number Generator
Yu-Hsuan Chiang, Shen-Iuan Liu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
small-area energy-efficient true random number generator (TRNG) is presented.
This TRNG introduces a jitter signal generator to realize the noise
pre-amplification, and utilizes a metastable latch to resolve the jitter edges.
Moreover, to tolerate the process and environment variations, an offset
calibration is employed to dynamically correct the bias of the probability of
logic 0/1 in background. A prototype is fabricated in 40-nm CMOS technology. It
occupies an area of 0.0014mm2 and consumes 214nW from a 0.8-V supply
at a throughput of 500kbps. The proposed TRNG passes the NIST tests, and its
calculated FOM is 0.43pJ/bit.
Keywords: True Random Number Generator, TRNG,
Background Calibration, Process Tolerance, Environment Variation,
Energy-Efficient, Small-Area, RFID
4-2 |
14:00-14:25 |
A 4.5 to 13 Times Energy-Efficient Embedded Microprocessor with
Mainly-Static/Partially-Dynamic Reconfigurable Array Accelerator
Dahoo Kim, Tetsuya Asai, Masato Motomura
Hokkaido University, Japan.
processors are energy in-efficient in that they fail to utilize the fact that
most of their time and energy are spent on heavily-recursively executed small
code segments. A DYNaSTA accelerator, proposed and implemented, is an
architectural solution to such a problem. It is an reconfigurable array
accelerator featuring an hybrid architecture: only a limited portion is
reconfigured dynamically while the rest is reconfigured statically. This way,
the DYNaSTA accelerator tries to achieve both flexibility and energy-efficiency
at the same time. Results of power simulation and fabricated chip measurements
have been quite encouraging: 4.5 to 13 times energy efficiency will be made
possible by this accelerator when compared with a conventional embedded
Keywords: EMP, ASIC, energy efficiency,
reconfigurable system
4-3 |
14:25-14:50 |
A Sub-Threshold to Super-Threshold Level Conversion Flip Flop for
Sub/Near-Threshold Dual-Supply Operation
Chao Wang2,
Jun Zhou2, Xin Liu2, Arasu Annamalai2, Minkyu
Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea.
of Microelectronics, Singapore, Singapore.
this paper
presents a novel Current-Mirror (CM) based Master-Slave Level Conversion Flip
Flop (MS-LCFF) to perform data latching and level shifting from sub-threshold
voltage, to near-threshold voltage, and up to super-threshold voltage. The
CM-based MS-LCFF enables energy-efficient ultra-low-voltage operation by
applying dual-supply and multi-supply designs into sub/near-threshold regions.
Simulation results show that with a 0.18-μm technology the proposed LCFF is
able to conduct data latching and level shifting from 0.3 V to 0.5 V, and up to
1.8 V, with performance improved by 8×, power consumption decreased by 3×, and
silicon area reduced by 13.3% over the conventional method, when performing conversion
from 0.3 V to 0.5 V. The measurement results of applying the proposed
LCFF-based dual-supply operation to a sub-threshold FIR filter operating at 300
kHz demonstrate that a 21.8% power reduction can be achieved without
performance loss by dual-supply operation at 0.3V and 0.5V, compared to the
single-supply operation at 0.5V.
Keywords: level conversion flip flop,
dual-supply operation, sub/near-threshold operation, ultra low voltage digital
circuit, energy efficiency
4-4 |
14:50-15:15 |
Wide-Supply-Range All-Digital Leakage Variation Sensor for on-Chip
Process and Temperature Monitoring
Mahfuzul Islam, Jun Shiomi, Tohru Ishihara, Hidetoshi Onodera
Kyoto University, Japan.
in process, voltage and temperature is a major obstacle in achieving
energy-efficient operation of LSI. This paper proposes an all-digital on-chip
circuit to monitor leak- age current variations of both of the nMOSFET and
pMOSFET independently. As leakage current is highly sensitive to threshold
voltage and temperature, the circuit is suitable for tracking process and
temperature as well. An estimation method of threshold voltage variation from
the monitored leakage variation is developed. The circuit uses reconfigurable
inhomogeneity to obtain statistical properties from a single monitor instance.
Cell- base design approach is taken so that design cost is minimized.
Measurement results from a 65-nm test chip shows the validity of the proposed
circuit. Total area is 4500 μm2 and active power consumption is 50
nW at 1.0 V operation. The proposed technique enables area-efficient and
low-cost implementation thus can be used in product chips for applications such
as testing and post- silicon tuning.
Keywords: Leakage Current, Process Variation,
On-chip Monitor, Digital, Temperature
4-5 |
15:15-15:27 |
Ultra-Low Voltage Datapath Blocks in 28nm UTBB FD-SOI
Reyserhove, NeleReynders, WimDehaene
KULeuven, Belgium.
This paper
demonstrates a wide supply range multiply-accumulate datapath block in 28nm
UTBB FD-SOI technology. Variability and leakage reduction strategies are
employed in this new technology to achieve a state-of-the-art low energy
performance. The design uses a wide range of supply voltages to reduce energy
consumption per operation. The extensive back-gate biasing range allows to
adapt the minimum energy point (MEP) of the circuit to the desired workload.
Measurements showcase the speed/energy trade-off of both the design and the
technology and lead to a MEP of 0.17pJ at 35MHz with a supply voltage of 250mV
and a back-gate bias of 0.5V.
Keywords: Sub-threshold, Near-threshold,
Silicon-On-Insulator, 28nm UTBB FD-SOI, Low Voltage, Low Energy, Low Power,
Minimum Energy Operation, Datapath
4-6 |
15:27-15:40 |
A Body Bias Generator with Wide Supply-Range Down to Threshold
Voltage for Within-Die Variability Compensation
A.K.M. Mahfuzul Islam, Akira Tsuchiya, Hidetoshi Onodera
Kyoto University, Japan.
A body
bias generator (BBG) for fine-grain body biasing (FGBB) that can operate under
wide supply-range is proposed. This paper proposes a BBG that generates forward
and reverse body bias only from a core supply voltage ranging from the near
threshold of 500mV to the nonminal voltage of 1.2V . This wide operating range
is achieved by a low voltage error amplifier with a Vth biasing scheme achieved
by internal switched-capacitor charge pumping. We fabricated the
forward/reverse BBG in a 65nm CMOS process to control 0.22mm^2 of core circuit
with the area overhead of 2.3%.
Keywords: body bias generator, low voltage,
wide supply voltage, DVFS, design automation, substrate island
Session 05:
DC-DC Converters
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 13:35-15:40hrs
Venue Amber+Coral,
Chair Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Chuo University, Japan
Co-Chair Sai-Weng Sin, University of Macau, Macau
5-1 |
13:35-14:00 |
A Monolithic Capacitor-Current-Controlled Hysteretic Buck
Converter with Transient-Optimized Feedback Circuit
Ting-Hsuan Hung, Szu-Yu Huang, Tai-HaurKuo
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
This paper
proposes a monolithic capacitor-current-controlled hysteretic buck converter
with a transient-optimized feedback circuit (TOFC) and a transient-hold (TH)
technique. The proposed TOFC simultaneously optimizes both load and dynamic
voltage scaling (DVS) transient responses. In addition, the proposed TH
technique significantly reduces the required compensation capacitance to save
chip area. Implemented in a 0.35-μm CMOS process, this work occupies 0.88 mm2.
Measured results show that, for 500-mA step-up load current, output voltage is
settled within 0.9 μs, and for 0.6-V DVS, output voltage is settled within 3 μs.
Peak efficiency of 96% is measured at 500 mW output power.
Keywords: DC-DC buck converter,
capacitor-current sensor, dynamic voltage scaling, DVS, fast transient response
5-2 |
14:00-14:25 |
An 83% Peak Efficiency and 1.07W/mm2 Power Density
Single Inductor 4-Output DC-DC Converter with Bang-Bang Zeroth-Order Control
Park, Tea-Hwang Kong, Gyu-Hyeong Cho
KAIST, South Korea.
This paper
presents a new control scheme dubbed Bang-Bang Zeroth-Order Control (BBZOC) for
Single Inductor Multiple Output (SIMO) buck converter. The main loop control
utilizes a phase detector, charge pump, filter, and comparator. The SIMO buck
converter with BBZOC simplifies the compensation design compared to
conventional voltage mode control. This work is fabricated in 1P4M 0.35um BCD
process and achieves 83% maximum efficiency with the rated output power of
1.04W. The maximum output power is 2.7W and the maximum power density is 1.07
W/mm2. Considering the difference in the process, this work
represents the state of the art in the power density.
Keywords: Single Inductor Multiple Ouput, SIMO,
Zero-Order Control, Bang-Bang, Comparator, Freewhreeling, DC-DC Converter,
Efficiency, Power Density, Filter
5-3 |
14:25-14:50 |
CCM/GM Relative Skip Energy Control in Single-Inductor
Multiple-Output DC-DC Converter for Wearable Decive Power Solution
EE, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
size wearable devices require multiple supplies with relative large loading
difference, which causes serious cross regulation, large ripple and oscillation
in single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO) DC-DC converter. Thus, a continuous
conduction mode/green mode (CCM/GM) relative skip energy control (RSEC) in
single-inductor multiple-output (SIMO) is proposed for wearable device power
solution. Different from conventional absolute skip method, the RSEC eliminates
unnecessary skip-induced voltage ripple and cross regulation with well
regulation performance over wide load and voltage ranges. Optimization between
efficiency and voltage ripple achieves low noise supply and reduced switching
loss. Moreover, smooth transition between CCM and GM provides high power and
longer usage time in wearable devices. The test chip fabricated in 0.18μm CMOS
process occupies 2.24mm2 active area. Maximum output ripple,
overshoot/undershoot and cross regulation are kept below 17mV, 27mV and
0.0432mV/mA, respectively.
Keywords: single-inductor multiple-output,
absolute skip, relative skip energy control, continuous conduction mode, green
5-4 |
14:50-15:15 |
A Current-Mode Buck Converter with Bandwidth Reconfigurable for
Enhanced Efficiency and Improved Load Transient Response
Wang1, Li-Te Wu2, Tai-Haur Kuo1
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
Microelectronics, Inc., Taiwan.
control is commonly used in buck converters. Many current-mode buck converters
with variable-frequency controllers have been published for smaller inductance
and maintaining efficiency via fast and slow frequency, respectively. However,
bandwidth of the current-mode buck converter with fixed compensation
coefficients is limited by the lowest switching frequency, thus decreases
transient speed. This paper proposes a current-mode buck converter with
reconfigurable compensation coefficients controlled by a switched-capacitor
compensator and activated by a transient detector. Fabricated in 0.35μm CMOS
process, this chip occupying 0.91mm2 achieves 96.3% peak efficiency.
A 5μs settling time is measured with 75mV undershoot for 700mA load transition.
Keywords: current mode, dc-dc converter,
switched capacitor, compensator, transient response
5-5 |
15:15-15:40 |
A 20MS/S Buck/Boost Supply Modulator for Envelope Tracking
Applications with Direct Digital Interface
EE, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
buck/boost supply modulator (BBSM) is proposed for 4G LTE RF power amplifier
(RF-PA) envelope tracking applications. The H-bridges used in non-inverting
buck/boost converters are metamorphosed into the current sources and switches
of a 4-bit current-steering DAC-like supply modulator. Fast tracking speed is
achieved through its inherent open-loop topology, while the direct digital
interface provides easy control and integration with digital LTE baseband Socs.
The proposed BBSM is capable of delivering peak power of 2.8W at 20MS/s, with a
peak efficiency of 75 %.
Keywords: Supply modulator, envelope tracking,
non-inverting buck/boost converter.
Session 06:
High Speed Data Converters
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 13:35-15:40hrs
Venue Diamond III,
Chair Tsung-Heng Tsai, National Chung-Cheng
University, Taiwan
Co-Chair Takeshi Yoshida, Hiroshima University, Japan
6-1 |
13:35-14:00 |
A 10-Bit 320-Ms/S Low-Cost SAR ADC for IEEE 802.11ac Applications
in 20-nm CMOS
MediaTek Inc., Taiwan.
This paper
presents a low-cost SAR ADC design for IEEE 802.11ac applications. A
binary-scaled recombination weighting method for SAR ADC is disclosed in this
work. The proposed SAR ADC achieved 9.29 ENOB with an FOM of 6.8 fJ/conversion-step
at 0.9 V and 160 MS/s, and achieved 9.20 ENOB with an FOM of 8.1
fJ/conversion-step at 1.0 V and 320 MS/s. This ADC core only occupies an area
of 33 um × 35 um in 20-nm CMOS process.
Keywords: SAR ADC, IEEE 802.11ac, 20nm CMOS
6-2 |
14:00-14:25 |
A 0.6V 6.4fJ/Conversion-Step 10-Bit 150MS/S Subranging SAR ADC in
40nm CMOS
Hu, Chi-Huai Shih, Hung-Yen Tai, Hung-Wei Chen, Hsin-Shu Chen
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
A 0.6V
10-bit 150MS/s single-channel asynchronous subranging SAR ADC using a
settling-time relief technique is presented. The technique extends the
allocated DAC settling time with the assistance of a coarse ADC and minimizes
digital loop delay so that it can reach high speed and low power at a 0.6V
supply. This ADC consumes 0.264mW at 150MS/s and achieves a peak SNDR of
55.75dB in 40nm CMOS technology. It results in anFoM of 3.5fJ/c.-s. Due to no
extra calibration circuit, the core circuit only occupies an area of 0.0063
Keywords: Analog to digital converter (ADC), successive
approximation register (SAR), subranging, settling time.
6-3 |
14:25-14:50 |
A 0.5-to-1 V 9-Bit 15-to-90 Ms/S Digitally Interpolated
Pipelined-SAR ADC Using Dynamic Amplifier
James Lin,
Zule Xu, Masaya Miyahara, Akira Matsuzawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
This paper
presents a 0.5-to-1 V, 9-bit, 15-to-90 MS/s digitally interpolated
pipelined-SAR ADC. The proposed digital interpolation alleviates the
inter-stage gain requirement of a pipelined-SAR ADC making this ADC insensitive
to gain variation. With a relaxed gain requirement, an open-loop dynamic
amplifier is employed as the residue amplifier making the proposed design
high-speed, clock-scalable, and robust to supply voltage scaling. The prototype
ADC fabricated in 65 nm CMOS demonstrates an ENOB of 7.88 bits up to 30 MS/s
with an input close to the Nyquist frequency at 0.6 V. At this conversion rate,
it consumes 0.48 mW resulting in a FoM of 68 fJ/conv.-step.
Keywords: Analog-to-Digital Converter, Digital
Interpolation, Dynamic Amplifier, Pipelined-SAR ADC, Ultra-Low-Voltage
6-4 |
14:50-15:15 |
A 110mW 6 Bit 36GS/S Interleaved SAR ADC for 100 GBE Occupying
0.048mm2 in 32nm SOI CMOS
Lukas Kull2,
Jan Pliva3, Thomas Toifl2, Martin Schmatz2,
Pier Andrea Francese2, Christian Menolfi2, Matthias
Braendli2, Marcel Kossel2, Thomas Morf2, Toke
Andersen2, Yusuf Leblebici1
Research - Zurich, Switzerland.
Dresden, Germany.
An area-
and power-optimized asynchronous 32x interleaved SAR ADC achieving 36 GS/s at
110mW with 1V supply on the interleaver and 0.9V on the SAR ADCs is presented.
The ADC features a 2-channel interleaver with data demultiplexing for enhanced
bandwidth, a power- and areaoptimized binary SAR ADC, and an area-optimized
clocked reference buffer with a tunable constant-current source. It achieves
32.6 dB SNDR up to 3 GHz and 31.6 dB up to 18 GHz input frequency and 98
fJ/conversion-step with a core chip area of 340x140 μm2 in 32nm SOI
CMOS technology.
Keywords: SAR, ADC, SOI, CMOS, 802.3bj,
analog-to-digital converter, successive approximation, reference buffer
6-5 |
15:15-15:40 |
A 12 Bit 250 Ms/S 28 mW +70 dB SFDR DAC in 0.11 μm CMOS Using
Controllable RZ Window for Wireless SoC Integration
Kim, Jaehyun Kang, Minjae Lee
GIST, South Korea.
A 12bit
CMOS current-steering digital-to-analog converter (DAC) in 0.11 μm CMOS
technology is presented for IQ baseband wireless transmitter and envelop
tracking (ET) power amplifier that requires low power consumption with the
flexible swing and common-mode controls. The conventional half clock period
return-to-zero (RZ) effectively eliminates code-dependent transient but results
in amplitude loss. The proposed controllable RZ window less than 50 % of clock
duty cycle mitigates such signal loss, and yet achieves the spurious-free
dynamic range (SFDR) better than 70 dB up to Nyquist bandwidth at the sample
frequency of 250 MHz. The core area
of the DAC is 0.117 mm2 and it dissipates about 28 mW under 2.5 V
Keywords: Current-steering, digital-to-analog
converter (DAC), return-to-zero (RZ), cascode, dynamic element matching (DEM),
spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR)
Session 07:
Wireline Transceivers
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 13:35-15:40hrs
Venue Agate+Pearl,
Chair Jung-Hoon Chun, Sungkyunkwan University,
Co-Chair Yoshiyuki Ota, Renesas, Japan
7-1 |
13:35-14:00 |
A 2 X 20-Gb/S, 1.2-pJ/Bit, Time-Interleaved Optical Receiver in
40-nm CMOS
Huang, Wei-Zen Chen
Institute of Electronics, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan.
This paper
describes a single chip, 2 x 20-Gb/s time-interleaved integrating-type optical
receiver. Combining with correlation-based timing recovery and 1:4
demultiplexer, it achieves a high energy efficiency of 1.2-pJ/bit. By
incorporating the proposed alternating photodetector (ALPD) current-sensing
scheme, the front-end receiver is 4-way time-interleaved to increase input
sensitivity and relax operating speed of digital comparator. The optical receiver
achieves an input sensitivity of 44 μApp at bit-error-rate of less than 1E-12.
Fabricated in a 40-nm bulk CMOS technology, the chip size is 0.46 square mm.
Keywords: Monolithic optical receiver, high-density
optical interconnect, photodetector (PD), comparator
7-2 |
14:00-14:25 |
A 26.5 Gb/S Optical Receiver with All-Digital Clock and Data
Recovery in 65nm CMOS Process
Chu2, Woorham Bae2, Gyu-Seob Jeong2, Jiho Joo1,
Gyungock Kim1, Deog-Kyoon Jeong2
and Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea.
National University, South Korea.
This paper
presents a 26.5 Gb/s optical receiver with an all-digital CDR (ADCDR)
fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process. The receiver consists of a transimpedance
amplifier (TIA), a limiting amplifier (LA), and a half-rate ADCDR. The TIA and
LA are based on an inverter-based amplifier for low power consumption. The
ADCDR adopts an LC quadrature digitally controlled oscillator (LC-QDCO) for the
quadrature sampling. The recovered clock jitter is 1.28 psrms and the measured
jitter tolerance exceeds the tolerance mask specified in IEEE 802.3ba. The
receiver sensitivity is measured to be -9 dBm and -6.6 dBm for the data rate of
25 Gb/s and 26.5 Gb/s, respectively. The whole receiver chip occupies an active
area of 0.75 mm2 and consumes 254 mW at the data rate of 26.5 Gb/s.
Keywords: optical, receiver, transimpedance
amplifier, all-digital clock and data recovery, LC quadrature digitally
controlled oscillator
7-3 |
14:25-14:50 |
A 23mW/Lane 1.2-6.8Gb/S Multi-Standard Transceiver in 28nm CMOS
Lee2, Duke Tran2, Tamer Ali2, Burak Catli2,
Heng Zhang2, Wei Zhang2, Mohammed Abdul-Latif2,
Zhi Huang2, Guansheng Li2, Mahmoud Ahmadi1,
Afshin Momtaz2
United States.
United States.
This paper
describes the design of a low power multi-standard transceiver in 28nm CMOS
technology. Using novel circuit
techniques and implementation features, the transceiver can operate at data
rates of 1.2-6.8Gb/s while supporting a wide range of communication standards,
including SGMII, QSGMII, PCIE, SATA, USB3, XAUI and RXAUI. Power consumption per lane is 23mW at
0.9V for SATA3 at 6Gb/s, with an
area of 0.265mm2 for a single-lane transceiver with PLL.
Keywords: high speed integrated circuits,
transceivers, serializer-deserializers, clock and data recover
7-4 |
14:50-15:15 |
Fully-Integrated 40-Gb/S Pulse Pattern Generator and
Bit-Error-Rate Tester Chipsets in 65-nm CMOS Technology
Wu2, Guan-Sing Chen2, Chen-Lun Lin1, Hao-Wei
Hung1, Jri Lee2
Taiwan University, Taiwan.
Taiwan University, Atilia Technology, Taiwan.
40-Gb/s pulse pattern generator (PPG) and bit-error-rate tester (BERT) chipsets
has been presented in 65-nm CMOS technology. Using external clock inputs, the
PPG and BERT achieve full operation with ultra-wide data range from 40 Mb/s to
40 Gb/s. Built-in PLL and CDR circuits are also included to provide robustness
for standard specification testing.
Keywords: Wide Range Pattern Generator, Bit
Error Rate Tester, Full Rate Linear PD, CDR
7-5 |
15:15-15:40 |
A Power Management Unit Integrated ADSL/ADSL2+ CPE Analog
Front-End with -93.5dB THD for DMT-Based Applications
Chou2, Yue Feng2, Yu-Hsin Lin2, Cong Liu2,Chen-Yen
Ho2, Bo Hu2, Jun Zha2, Steven Chuang1
Inc., Taiwan.
Inc., China.
This paper
presents a high linear analog front-end
(AFE) for ADSL/ADSL2+ system applications. This AFE has the overall linearity of
-93.5dB to ensure the ADSL/ADSL2+ modem to achieve up to 27.2Mbps down-stream
data-rate on short loops. The AFE
is implemented in two chips using 0.11um/55nm CMOS process with integrated
power management unit (PMU) to optimize the data-rate, die area and power efficiency. The choice of the process is a compromise
between the size of the digital circuits, and the analog performance and
cost. Furthermore, a 90dB dynamic
range (DR) CTSDM ADC is employed to relax the requirement of the front-end
filters of the receiver, and thus the filter orders are reduced as well as the
area and power consumption. The
transmit path can achieve 90dB SNR and -95.2dB THD. The receive path can
achieve 82.1dB SNR and -93.5dB THD. The AFE including line driver using the
dual-chip solution dissipates 590 mW from 3.3V/5 V supply.
front end
Session 08:
Date / Time November
11, 2014 (Tuesday) / 16:00-18:00 hrs
Venue Opal
Ballroom, 38F
is a Good Way to Expand a Silicon Value to a Solution Value?
Organizer/Co-organizer: Tzi-Dar
Chiueh, National Taiwan University,
Shimizu, Renesus, Japan
Moderator: Gregory
Chen, Intel, USA
Panelists / Position Chen
Yi Lee, National Chiao Tung University/Medical and Healthcare
Charles Hsu,
eMemory/Security in IoT
Tihao Chiang,
Ambarella Taiwan/Video and Surveillence
Wang, Tsinghua University/IoT and Healthcare
Dae Seok Byeon,
Samsung Electronics Co./PC
Jongwoo Lee,
Tomita, Fujitsu Laboratories/Interconnect
Kawahara, Tokyo University of Science/Memory System
Abstract: The market sizes of each IoT application are
relatively smaller than the PC and smartphone, although the development and
production cost of the LSIs are becoming high. The LSI designers should find
the ways to get funding of their development. One way is to get funding from
providing system solution or service applications with expanding business
models from supplying devices, as well as reducing the LSI costs and making the
production volume larger. The pressure to expand the device supplying model
depends on each application market, so such status of each application is to be
discussed and also whether the expansion of the model is really necessary and
practical or not.
Day 3 Wednesday,
November 12, 2014
Session 09:
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 08:30-10:05 hrs
Venue Diamond
II, 41F
[Plenary Talk 3]
TITLE Semiconductor
Innovation into the Next Decade
DATE / TIME November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 08:30-09:15 hrs
SPEAKER Jack Sun, VP/CTO, TSMC, Taiwan
Dr. Sun has been the mastermind behind the
success of TSMC logic R&D in providing the most energy-efficient,
high-density, high-throughput, and cost-effective CMOS platform and
mixed-signal/RF technologies since 0.25um for logic/SOC products and the
fabless industry, incl. massive parallel processors like GPU, GP-GPU, and
server CPU; high gate-count FPGA; and multi-core (ARM/GPU) application
processors for smart phone / mobile computing. He proposed a System Scaling concept and
figure of merit, encompassing Si wafer-based CMOS scaling, integrated
specialty, and 3D chip stacking technology, to extend "Superchip" and system scaling beyond
Dr. Sun
had four IBM invention achievement awards and several IBM Outstanding Technical
Accomplishment Awards in the 1990's.
He received "Ten Most Outstanding Engineer Award" of the Chinese
Institute of Engineers in 2000.
He is a co-recipient of "Outstanding Technology Worker Award" from ROC
Executive Yuan in 2003 for his leadership and technical contributions in the
foundry-leading 0.13um low-power and high performance CMOS technology with
world-leading Cu/Low-K interconnects. He won the National Management
Excellence Award in 2004. He
received 2010 ECE Distinguished Alumni Award from University of Illinois. He also won TSMC Medal of Honor in 2011.
Dr. Sun is an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to CMOS technology. He received BSEE degree from National
Taiwan University, and MS and Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois. He has over 200 papers, many invited and
plenary talks, 12 US patents, and several ROC patents.
Abstract: Mobile computing has been the
electronic industry growth driver over the past few years, with monolithic CMOS
scaling (Moore's Law) being a key enabler.
"Giga-trends", or the "Next Big Thing", such as converged smart devices
(i.e.: personal "Command and Control Center") ubiquitously connected to
wearables and the internet of things (IoT), with big data and cloud computing
as the backbone, will continue to enhance future lifestyles and drive the
growth of the silicon-based nano-electronics industry.
forward, our vision is to realize
Energy-Efficient System Scaling that will make systems faster, smaller,
lighter, thinner, and consume less power.
CMOS scaling (Moore's Law) will continue to be the central pillar of
energy-efficient system scaling, with many innovation opportunities and
challenges ahead. Two other key
system scaling pillars are novel integrated specialty technology and wafer-based
3D chip stacking. CMOS scaling is
like the brain, specialty technology like the five senses and human limbs, and
3D chip stacking like the spine of a human body. Through this system scaling approach,
the era of silicon-based "super system chips" has arrived.
Open and
synergistic collaborative innovation is key to technical and business success
under the new System Scaling paradigm.
TSMC's Grand Alliance and Open Innovation platform (OIP) represent a
thriving symbiotic, synergistic, and powerful collaborative ecosystem for the
"Next Big Thing" and the continued growth of the silicon-based nano-electronic
industry. With its ecosystem partners and suppliers, the
TSMC Grand Alliance supports the largest combined R&D investment and
innovative power to drive the energy-efficient super system chips that
will enrich the future human
[Plenary Talk 4]
TITLE Energy
Efficient Computing in Nanoscale CMOS: Challenges and Opportunities
DATE / TIME November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 09:20-10:05 hrs
SPEAKER Vivek De, Intel,
Vivek De is an Intel Fellow and Director of Circuit
Technology Research in Intel Labs. He is responsible for providing strategic
technical directions for long term research in future circuit technologies and
leading energy efficiency research across the hardware stack. He has 220
publications in refereed international conferences and journals and 193
patents, with 30 more patents filed (pending). He received an Intel Achievement
Award for his contributions to an integrated voltage regulator technology. He
received a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, New York. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
Abstract: Future computing systems spanning exascale
supercomputers to wearable devices demand orders of magnitude improvements in
energy efficiency while providing desired performance. The system-on-chip (SoC)
designs need to span a wide range of performance and power across diverse
platforms and workloads. The designs must achieve robust
near-threshold-voltage (NTV) operation in nanoscale CMOS process while
supporting a wide voltage-frequency operating range with minimal impact on die
cost. We will discuss circuit and design technologies to overcome the
challenges posed by device parameter variations, supply noises, temperature
excursions, aging-induced degradations, workload and activity changes, and
reliability considerations. The major pillars of energy-efficient SoC designs
are: (1) circuit/design optimizations for fine-grain multi-voltage & wide
dynamic range, (2) fine-grain on-die power delivery & management, (3)
dynamic adaptation & reconfiguration, and (4) dynamic on-die error
detection & correction. Experimental results from research prototypes in
advanced CMOS technologies will be presented.
Session 10:
Memory Technology
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 10:25-12:30hrs
Venue Agate+Pearl,
Chair Chun Shiah, Etron Technology, Taiwan
Co-Chair Junghwan Choi, Samsung Electronics, Korea
10-1 |
10:25-10:50 |
A 16.8Gbps/Channel Single-Ended Transceiver in 65nm CMOS for Sip Based
DRAM Interface on Si-Carrier Channel
Lee, Taeksang Song, SangyeonByeon, Kwanghun Lee, Inhwa Jung, Seongjin Kang,
Ohkyu Kwon, KoeunCheon, DonghwanSeol, Jongho Kang, Gunwoo Park, Yunsaing Kim
SK hynix, South Korea.
16.8Gbps/channel single ended transceiver for SiP based DRAM interface on
silicon carrier channel is presented. A transmitter, receiver, and channel are
all included in a single package. On the transmitter, 1 tap FFEs are used in
4:1 MUX and in output driver. On the receiver, source follower based CTLEs and
self Vref generator are used for obtaining effective single ended signaling on
Si-carrier channel. A BER that is less than 1e-12 is achieved in 65nm CMOS. The
power efficiency of the transceiver is 5.9pJ/bit with 120Ω terminations at each
transceiver side.
Keywords:SiP based DRAM Interface, Single Ended
Transceiver, FFE, CTLE, Self Vref Generator, BER and 120Ω terminations
10-2 |
10:50-11:15 |
0.339fJ/Bit/Search Energy-Efficient TCAM Macro Design in 40nm LP
Huang2, Shu-Lin Lai2, Ching-Te Chuang2, Wei
Hwang2, Jason Huang1, Angelo Hu1, Paul Kan1,
Michael Jia1, Kimi Lv1, Bright Zhang1
Technology Corporation, Taiwan.
Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
In this
paper, a 256x40 energy-efficient ternary content addressable memory (TCAM)
macro is designed and implemented in 40nm low power (LP) CMOS. Due to the thicker gate oxide in LP
process, a 16T TCAM cell with p-type comparison circuits is proposed to
increase the Ion/Ioff difference of the dynamic circuitry. To further improve
energy efficiency, don't-care-based ripple search-lines/bit-lines are used to
reduce both the switching activities and wire capacitance. Moreover,
column-based data-aware power control is employed for leakage power reduction
and write-ability improvements. The experimental results show a leakage power
reduction of 28.9%, a search-line power reduction of 31.74% and an energy
efficiency metric of the TCAM macro of 0.339 fJ/bit/search.
Keywords: Embedded memory, energy-efficient,
10-3 |
11:15-11:40 |
A Non-Volatile Look-Up Table Using ReRAM for Reconfigurable Logic
Lin1, Shyh-Shyuan Sheu1, Pei-Ling Tseng1,
Meng-Fan Chang2, Chia-Chen Kuo1
and Optoelectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Taiwan.
Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Taiwan.
This study
demonstrated a nonvolatile look-up table (nvLUT) that involves using resistive
random access memory (ReRAM) cells with normally-off and instant-on functions
for suppressing standby current. Compared with the conventional static random
access memory (SRAM)-magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM)-hybrid LUTs
the proposed ReRAM-based two-input nvLUT circuit decreases the number of
transistors and the area of nvLUT by 79% and 90.4%, respectively. The areas of
the two- and three-input ReRAMnvLUTs are 11.5% and 74.2% smaller than the other
MRAM-based two-input and PCM-based three-input LUTs, respectively. Because of
the low current switching and high R-ratio characteristics of ReRAM, the
proposed ReRAM-based nvLUT achieves 24% less power consumption than that of
SRAM-MRAM-hybrid LUTs. The functionality of the fabricated adder of the
three-input ReRAMnvLUT was confirmed using an HfOx-based ReRAM and a 0.18-μm
complementary metal-oxide semiconductor with a delay time of 900 ps.
Keywords: Look-Up-Table, ReRAM, RRAM, FPGA,
Reconfigurable Logic
10-4 |
11:40-12:05 |
A 6-Bit Drift-Resilient Readout Scheme for Multi-Level
Phase-Change Memory
Athmanathan2, Milos Stanisavljevic1, Junho Cheon3,
Seokjoon Kang3, Changyong Ahn3, Junghyuk Yoon3,
Minchul Shin3, Taekseung Kim3, Nikolaos Papandreou1,
Haris Pozidis1, Evangelos Eleftheriou1
Research, Switzerland.
Research/EPFL, Switzerland.
South Korea.
Cell (MLC) storage provides increased capacity and hence reduced cost-per-bit
in memory technologies, thereby rendering such technologies suitable for big
data applications. In Phase-Change Memory (PCM), however, MLC storage is
seriously hampered by the phenomenon of resistance drift. We present a readout
circuit for PCM specifically designed for drift resilience in MLC operation.
Drift resilience is achieved through the use of specific non-resistance-based
cell-state metrics which, in contrast to the traditional cell-state metric,
i.e., the low-field electrical resistance, have built-in drift robustness. The
proposed read circuitry is designed and fabricated in 64-nm CMOS technology.
Experimental results using an integrated test resistor array for readout
circuit characterization are presented, demonstrating access time of 450 ns at
6-bit raw (5-bit effective) resolution. The circuit has low-noise
characteristics and does not exhibit sensitivity to bit-line parasitics. The
readout circuit is co-integrated with a 16 Mb 2x-nm PCM cell array and the
necessary programming electronics.
Keywords: MLC PCM, Drift Resilience, Readout
10-5 |
12:05-12:17 |
0.2 V 8T SRAM with Improved Bitline Sensing Using Column-Based
Data Randomization
Do2, Zhaochuan Lee2, Bo Wang2, Ik-Joon Chang1,
Tony Tae-Hyoung Kim2
University, South Korea.
operating at sub-threshold supply voltages suffer from bit-line swing
degradation when data pattern on the same column is dominated by "1" or "0".
Worst case scenario happens when the accessed bit is different from the rest of
the column. In this work, a simplified Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) is
used to shuffle input data so that distribution of "1" and "0" in each column
is close to 50%. As a result, bit-line sensing margin is enhanced. Furthermore,
a bit-line boost biasing scheme is applied to increase the bit-line swing and
the sensing window. A 16Kb test chips fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS technology
demonstrates successful SRAM operation at 0.2 V, room temperate, having power
consumption and access time of 0.7 μW and 2.5 μs, respectively.
Keywords: Memory, SRAM, CMOS, low-voltage
10-6 |
12:17-12:30 |
A Configurable 2-in-1 SRAM Compiler with Constant-Negative-Level
Write Driver for Low Vmin in 16nm Fin-FET CMOS
Wu, Ming-Hung Chang, Chia-Cheng Chen, Robin Lee, Hung-Jen Liao, Jonathan Chang
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Taiwan.
This paper
presents a configurable SRAM for low voltage operation supporting both pseudo
two-port SRAM (P2P-SRAM) and single-port SRAM (SP-SRAM) functions in one
compiler. Unlike conventional pseudo two-port SRAM that always performs read
first, this work enables dynamic read-or-write-first selection and
write-through function. It can improve SP-SRAM function speed by 90% faster
than that of the conventional read-first pseudo two-port SRAM design. An
area-free constant-negative-level write driver (CNL-WD), which is suitable for
compiler development, is used to improve write Vmin for configuration range
from 4 to 256 cells/BL. A testchip is fabricated in a 16nm Fin-FET CMOS
technology with a 0.0907μm2 6T-SRAM cell.
Keywords: pseudo two-port SRAM, configurable,
low Vmin, negative-level, compiler
Session 11:
Sensor Applications
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 10:25-12:30hrs
Venue Diamond III,
Chair Po-Chiun Huang, National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan
Co-Chair Seung-TakRyu, KAIST, Korea
11-1 |
10:25-10:50 |
A CMOS Thermistor-Embedded Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Temperature
Sensor with a Resolution FoM of 0.52 pJoC2
Weng, Chun-Kuan Wu, Tsung-Hsien Lin
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
thermistor-embedded continuous-time delta-sigma modulator (CTDSM) implementing
a temperature sensor (TS) is proposed in this paper. By embedding the
resistor-based temperature sensing module into a 2nd-order 1-bit CTDSM, the
proposed TS achieves high resolution sensing with reduced hardware complexity
and power consumption. Furthermore, a resistor-ladder trimming and compensation
scheme is proposed to facilitate the 1-point temperature calibration. The
proposed TS is fabricated in a 0.18-um CMOS process. Over a range of -45 oC ~
125 oC, this TS achieves 0.01 oCrms temperature resolution with 100-μs
conversion time, which results in a resolution FoM of 0.52 pJoC2.
Keywords: Temperature Sensor, Continuous-Time
Delta-Sigma Modulator, Thermistor-Embedded, Temperature-Independent Trimming
11-2 |
10:50-11:15 |
An Area-Efficient Capacitively-Coupled Instrumentation Amplifier
with a Duty-Cycled Gm-C DC Servo Loop in 0.18-μm CMOS
Tu, Feng-Wen Lee, Tsung-Hsien Lin
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
A chopped
capacitively-coupled instrumentation amplifier (CCIA) with a proposed
duty-cycled Gm-C DC servo loop (DSL) for bio-potential signal acquisition is
presented. The proposed architecture realizes a large time constant with small
circuit area without sacrificing noise and power performance. Furthermore, this
pseudo-resistor-less design grants this architecture easily portable for more advanced
processes. Fabricated in a 0.18-μm CMOS, this chip draws 2.37 μA from a 1.8-V
supply and occupies only an active area of 0.43 mm2. The total
integrated noise from 0.5 to 100 Hz is 1.04 μVrms and results in a noise
efficiency factor of 7.8.
Keywords: CCIA, Area-Efficient, Duty-cycled
11-3 |
11:15-11:40 |
Highly Improved SNR Differential Sensing Method Using Parallel
Operation Signaling for Touch Screen Application
Hyunggun Ma, Jae Joon Kim, Franklin Bien
UNIST, South Korea.
In this
paper, a continuous-time differential type multi-signal parallel driving
architecture touch screen sensing circuit for projective capacitive type panel
is presented. In order to further enhance the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), a
new transmitter (TX) architecture is proposed with parallel signal processing
algorithm. In this work, charge amplifiers with built in band-pass filter are
designed that filter out low frequency noise and common-mode noise
simultaneously. Conventional approaches in continuous-time operation with
band-pass filter suffer from a synchronization problem in the case of
multi-signal parallel driving. In
this work, a built-in delay calibration circuit is proposed that can align
signal timing for TX signal and adjacent receiver (RX) sensing line. This
proposed architecture enables multi-signal parallel driving in continuous-time
operation for projective capacitive sensing circuits. The proposed work
supports 16 x 8 mutual capacitive touch screen panel (TSP). TSP load is 12.5 kΩ
and 40 pF with frame rate of 200 Hz and 58 dB SNR. Power dissipation is 46 mW.
Keywords: Touch Screen Panel, differential
sensing, parallel operation, Band pass filter.
11-4 |
11:40-12:05 |
A 16.6μW 32.8MHz Monolithic CMOS Relaxation Oscillator
Lam, Seong-Jin Kim
Institute of Microelectronics, Singapore.
This paper
presents a 32.8MHz low power, supply insensitive monolithic CMOS relaxation
oscillator. Instead of using voltage-mode comparators for cycle-to-cycle
capacitor voltage swing (CVS) threshold voltage comparison, the CVS is
regulated by a low-power closed-loop control which consists of a
current-controlled delay cell (CCDC), a Gm-C error integrator and a
comparator-free switch logic block. The CCDC and switching logics are powered
by a logic supply regulator for reducing switching-losses and line sensitivity.
The oscillator consumes 16.6μW from a 1.5V supply voltage at room temperature,
achieving a FOM of 0.51μW/MHz. The measured output frequency variation is <±0.13%/V
@ 32.8MHz, for a supply range of 1.5V to 3.6V. It occupies 0.013mm2
in a 0.18μm CMOS process.
Keywords: Relaxation oscillator, Low-power,
Delay-Cell, Clock Generator, Power Efficiency, FOM, Capacitor Voltage Swing
11-5 |
12:05-12:30 |
An Ultra-Compact, Untrimmed CMOS Bandgap Reference with 3σ
Inaccuracy of +0.64% in 16nm FinFET
Chang, Jaw-JuinnHorng, Amit Kundu, Chih-Chiang Chang, Yung-Chow Peng
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Taiwan.
ultra-compact sub-1V CMOS bandgap reference circuit is presented. To reduce the
chip area the proposed bandgap is realized with 40 stage stack-gate, which
adopts a novel layout floorplan without any area penalty. This paper describes
two bandgap circuits and are both fabricated in TSMC 16nm FinFET process. The
first bandgap aims at applications requiring small-area (area 0.0023 mm2)
that achieves medium accuracy (3σVBG 1.67%) without trimming. The second bandgap aims at high-accuracy
applications (area 0.013 mm2) that achieve 3σVBG 0.64% without
trimming. Both bandgap circuits
have good TC performance less than 35ppm/°C between -40°C to 12°C. We claim to
have the smallest chip area and highest accuracy when compared to the present
state-of-the-art untrimmed CMOS bandgap circuits.
Keywords:Bandgap voltage reference, FinFET
circuit, stack gate, MOS array layout, current mirror, opamp
Session 12:
mm-wave and THz
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 10:25-12:30hrs
Venue Amber+Coral,
Chair Minoru Fujishima, Hiroshima University,
Co-Chair Jenny Yi-Chun, National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan
12-1 |
10:25-10:50 |
CMOS THz Transmissive Imaging System
Yan, Chun-Hsing Li, Chih-Wei Lai, Wei-Cheng Chen, Tzu-Yuan Chao, Chien-Nan Kuo
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
This paper
presents a THz imaging system composed of a signal source and a signal sensor
in CMOS technology. The signal source integrates a 338 GHz oscillator in 40-nm
CMOS and an antenna array on a Benzocyclobutene (BCB) carrier using the SoP
(System-on-Package) technique. The measured EIRP achieves +8 dBm. The signal
sensor is implemented in 0.18 um CMOS. The measured maximum responsivity is 632
kV/W at 332 GHz. The signal source and signal sensor consume dc power of 37.5
mW and 7.92 mW, respectively. The resolution of the proposed THz imaging system
is 4 mm.
Keywords: THz imaging system, CMOS, signal
source, signal sensor, System-on-Package (SoP)
12-2 |
10:50-11:15 |
23Gbps 9.4pJ/Bit 80/100GHz Band CMOS Transceiver with on-Board
Antenna for Short-Range Communication
Nakajima3, Akihiro Maruyama3, Masato Kohtani3,
Tsuyoshi Sugiura3, Eiichiro Otobe3, Jaejin Lee2,
Shinhee Cho2, Kyusub Kwak2, Jeongseok Lee2,
Toshihiko Yoshimasu4, Minoru Fujishima1
University, Japan.
Electric Corp., South Korea.
R&D Institute Japan, Japan.
University, Japan.
integrated 80GHz-band and 100GHz-band transceiver ICs using 65nm CMOS
technology and on-board antennas for high-speed/short-range wireless
communication system are demonstrated. To realize higher speed and lower power
consumption than those of a 60GHz-band standard application such as
IEEE802.11ad, a simple transceiver architecture with non-coherent amplitude
shift keying (ASK) modulation method using W-band (75-110GHz) is adopted. The aggregate
80/100GHz-band transceiver modules demonstrate 23Gbps over 10mm wirelessly with
power consumption of 216mW. The developed transceiver modules achieve the
highest speed of wireless communications above 60GHz-band and show a potential
for future applications of 100Gbps high-speed short-range communications.
Keywords: CMOS, Millimeter-wave, Transceiver,
Antenna, Data rate
12-3 |
11:15-11:40 |
A 3 Gb/S 64-QAM E-Band Direct-Conversion Transmitter in 40-nm CMOS
Zhao, Patrick Reynaert
KU Leuven, Belgium.
This paper
describes a fully integrated E-band transmitter (TX) in 40-nm CMOS. Circuit,
layout and calibration techniques are presented to suppress the LO feed-through
(LOFT) and I/Q imbalance over both 71-76 and 81-86 GHz bands. A systematic design
methodology is proposed for the millimeter-wave poly-phase filter (PPF) to
achieve lowest I/Q imbalance with minimum EM simulations. The 40-nm E-band
transmitter achieves a measured output power of 12.5 dBm and TX efficiency of
16% with more than 15 GHz bandwidth. Measured from 3 chips, the transmitter
features an un-calibrated I/Q imbalance of less than -30 dB from 62.5 to 85.5
GHz. The calibration circuits further reduce the I/Q imbalance by 3-5 dB and
ensure the LOFT less than -30 dBc over more than 30 dB output dynamic range.
The presented TX achieves 3-Gb/s 64-QAM across the complete E-band.
Keywords: E-band, transmitter, power amplifier,
poly-phase filter, mixer, I/Q
imbalance, LO feed-through, calibration, CMOS
12-4 |
11:40-12:05 |
A 0.015-mm2 60-GHz Reconfigurable Wake-Up Receiver by
Reusing Multi-Stage LNAs
Rui Wu,
Qinghong Bu, Wei Deng, Kenichi Okada, Akira Matsuzawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
area-efficient 60-GHz wake-up receiver (WuRx) using reconfiguration techniques
of multistage low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) is presented. The gain stages of the
60-GHz LNA are reused as the envelope detectors for the wake-up receiver.
Therefore, the bulky components such as extra switches between the wake-up
receiver and the LNA, additional antennas, and excess input matching network
can be removed in the design of the wakeup receiver. Furthermore, due to the
reconfigurability of the LNA, the wake-up receiver can work in
sensitivity-boost mode by using several LNA gain stages as a pre-amplifier. The
wake-up receiver is fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS process occupying a core area of
0.015mm<sup>2</sup> (excluding the LNA). The WuRx achieves the
sensitivity of -46dBm and -60dBm with a power consumption of 64μW and 12.7mW,
Keywords: CMOS, 60-GHz wake-up receiver,
area-efficient, LNA-reused
12-5 |
12:05-12:30 |
54 GHz CMOS LNAs with 3.6 dB NF and 28.2 dB Gain Using Transformer
Feedback Gm-Boosting Technique
Shita Guo1,
Tianzuo Xi1, Ping Gui1, Jing Zhang3, Wooyeol
Choi3, Kenneth K.O3, Yanli Fan2, Daquan Huang2,
Richard Gu2, Mark Morgan2
Methodist University, United States.
Instruments, United States.
of Texas at Dallas, United States.
This paper
presents a novel topology of low-noise amplifier (LNA) with noise reduction and
gain improvement. A transformer feedback gm-boosting technique is proposed in a
single-ended cascode LNA to reduce the noise figure (NF) and improve the gain
simultaneously. Two 54 GHz single-ended cascode LNAs, with transformer and
transmission-line for matching, respectively, are demonstrated to verify this
technique. Fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process, the transformer-based (TF-based)
LNA exhibits a minimum noise figure (NF) of 3.6 dB at 53.5 GHz and a highest
power gain of 28.2 dB at 54 GHz in measurement. To our best knowledge, this LNA
has the best noise figure and power gain among all the published V-band CMOS
LNAs. The transmission-line-based (TL-based) LNA exhibits a minimum noise
figure of 3.8 dB at 53.9 GHz and a highest power gain of 25.4 dB at 54.2 GHz in
measurement. Both the LNAs consume
18 mA from a power supply of 1.1 V.
Keywords: Low-noise amplifier (LNA), noise
figure (NF), power gain, transformer, transmission-line, V-band.
Session 13:
Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 10:25-12:30hrs
Venue Diamond II,
Chair Jerald Yoo, Masdar Institute of Science and
Technology, UAE
Co-Chair Shuenn-Yuh Lee, National Cheng-Kung
University, Taiwan
13-1 |
10:25-10:50 |
A 0.5-V Sub-uW/Channel Neural Recording IC with
Delta-Modulation-Based Spike Detection
Kim2, Lei Liu3, Lei Yao2, Wang Ling Goh3,
Yuan Gao2, Minkyu Je1
South Korea.
of Microelectronics, Singapore.
Technological University, Singapore.
A neural
recording IC with a new spike detection scheme is proposed to minimize power
dissipation while preserving the waveform information of the detected spikes. A
delta modulator is employed in the recording IC to reduce signal dynamic range
and enable low-voltage operation. A series of output values from the delta
modulator are stored in a small amount of analog memory to extract two key
features of the neural signal
amplitude and frequency, which are used for accurate spike detection.
Using the stored delta values, the precise spike waveform information can be
conserved. A prototype recording IC with 16 channels has been fabricated using
0.18-um CMOS technology. Measurement results demonstrate the spike detection
capability successfully. The fabricated IC consumes only 0.88 uW/channel at
0.5-V supply.
Keywords: neural recording, low power, low
voltage, delta modulator, analog memory, spike detection
13-2 |
10:50-11:15 |
A 10.4 mW Electrical Impedance Tomography SoC for Portable
Real-Time Lung Ventilation Monitoring System
Hong, Jaehyuk Lee, JoonsungBae, Hoi-Jun Yoo
KAIST, South Korea.
electrical impedance tomography (EIT) SoC is proposed for the portable
real-time lung ventilation monitoring system. The proposed SoC is integrated
into belt-type EIT system with 32 electrodes and can show the dynamic images of
the lung ventilation on the mobile devices. It has 3 key building blocks; 1) a
T-switch for high off isolation > 60 dB between electrodes, 2) a I/Q signal
generation and demodulation for high fidelity image, and 3) an on-chip fast
demodulation scheme to reduce scanning time and ADC speed. As a result, real
and imaginary part of images can be reconstructed with 97.3% of accuracy and
can be displayed on the mobile devices. The proposed EIT SoC of 5.0 mm x 5.0 mm
is fabricated in 0.18 um CMOS technology, and consumes only 10.4 mW with 1.8 V
Keywords: Electrical impedance tomography,
ventilation monitoring, complex impedance, low power
13-3 |
11:15-11:40 |
A Closed-Loop Power-Efficient Neural Recorder with Automatic
Bandwidth Adjustment
Jian Xu,
Zhi Yang
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
This paper
presents a frequency-shaping neural recorder with automatic closed-loop
bandwidth adjustment for power reduction. To optimize input noise, a novel gain
boosting technique is used. Besides, an unsupervised EC-PC spike processor has
also been integrated, which can reliably report spike firing rate: when the
channel contains no spike activities, the recorder bandwidth is automatically
reduced to output LFPs only, which gives 72% power saving for that channel.
Measured at an 80kHz sampling clock and 1.0V supply, the recorder achieves a
3pF input capacitance, 2.2uV input noise for recording spikes, and maximum
15uW/ch total power. Empirical studies with in-vivo recordings have shown 70%
of channels do not contain spikes, suggesting an averaged recording power
reduction by 50% to 7.5uW/ch.
Keywords:Nerual Recorder, Frequency Shaping,
Closed-Loop Control, Automatic Bandwidth Adjustment
13-4 |
11:40-12:05 |
A 20V-Compliance Implantable Neural Stimulator IC with Closed-Loop
Power Control, Active Charge Balancing, and Electrode Impedance Check
Lei Yao2,
Jianming Zhao3, Peng Li2, Rui-Feng Xue4, Yong
Ping Xu3, Minkyu Je1
Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea.
of Microelectronics, Singapore.
University of Singapore, Singapore.
Research China, China.
inductively powered implantable neural stimulator IC is presented in this
paper. It features closed-loop power control, active charge balancing, and
electrode impedance check functions. The stimulator IC is powered through
13.56MHz inductive link and supports 33.3kbps bi-directional telemetry with ASK
for forward command transmission and LSK for backward data transmission,
achieving 20V high compliance voltage, maximum 1.24mA stimulation current, and
the resting potential of 50mV. The IC has an active area of 2mm by 2mm implemented
in 0.18-μm CMOS process with 24V LDMOS option.
Keywords: Neural stimulator,
high-compliance-voltage, inductive power link, closed-loop power control,
active charge balancing, electrode impedance check
13-5 |
12:05-12:30 |
A 330uW, 64-Channel Neural Recording Sensor with Embedded Spike
Feature Extraction and Autocalibration
Rodriguez-Perez2, Manuel Delgado-Restituto2, Angela Darie2,
Cristina Soto-Sanchez1, Eduardo Fernandez-Jover1, Angel
/ University Miguel Hernandez, Spain.
/ University of Seville, Spain.
This paper
reports a 64-channel neural recording sensor array. Neural signals are
acquired, filtered, digitized and compressed in the channels. Additionally,
each channel implements a local auto-calibration mechanism which configures the
transfer characteristics of the recording site. The system has two operation
modes; in one case the information captured by the channels is sent as
uncompressed raw data; in the other, feature vectors extracted from the
detected neural spikes are transmitted. Data streams coming from the channels
are serialized by an embedded digital processor. Experimental results show that
the power consumption of the complete system is 330uW.
Keywords: Neural recording, spike detection,
low-power, low-voltage, ADC, low-noise amplifier, data compression
Session 14:
SoC and Signal Processing Techniques
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 13:30-15:35hrs
Venue Diamond II,
Chair Kyung Ki Kim, Daegu University, Korea
Co-Chair An-Yeu Wu, National Taiwan University,
14-1 |
13:30-13:55 |
A 27mW Reconfigurable Marker-Less Logarithmic Camera Pose
Estimation Engine for Mobile Augmented Reality Processor
Hong2, Gyeonghoon Kim2, Donghyun Kim2,
Byeong-Gyu Nam1, Hoi-Jun Yoo2
university, South Korea.
South Korea.
marker-less Camera Pose Estimation Engine (CPEE) with reconfigurable
logarithmic processor is proposed for the view angle estimation in the
low-power mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications. The proposed CPEE is
required to overcome 150x huge gap in computational cost for marker-less pose
estimation including floating-point operations resulting in the bottlenecks in
mobile platforms. Speculative Execution (SE) and Reconfigurable Data-arrangement
Layer (RDL) are proposed to reduce the computing time of CPEE by 17% and 27%,
respectively. For low-power implementation of floating-point units, Logarithmic
Processing Element (LPE) is used to reduce overall power consumption by 18%.
The proposed marker-less CPEE is fabricated in 65nm Logic CMOS technology, and
successfully realizes real-time marker-less camera pose estimation with only
27mW power consumption.
Keywords: reconfigurable SIMD, logarithmic
number system, camera pose estimation, augmented reality, bundle adjustment,
14-2 |
13:55-14:20 |
A 4.9 mW Neural Network Task Scheduler for Congestion-Minimized
Network-on-Chip in Multi-Core Systems
Kim, Gyeonghoon Kim, Donghyun Kim, Hoi-Jun Yoo
KAIST, South Korea.
A neural
network task scheduler (NNTS) is proposed for the congestion-minimized
network-on-chip in multi-core systems. The NNTS is composed of a near-optimal
task assignment (NOTA) algorithm and a reconfigurable precision neural network
accelerator (RP-NNA). The NOTA adopting a neural network is proposed to predict
and avoid the network congestion intelligently. And the RP-NNA is implemented
to improve the throughput of NOTA with dynamically adjustable precision. In the
case that the NNTS is integrated into a NoC-based multi-core SoC for the
augmented reality applications, 79.2% prediction accuracy of NoC communication
pattern is achieved and the overall latency is reduced by 24.4%. As a result,
the RP-NNA consumes only 4.9 mW and improves the energy efficiency of system by
Keywords: network-on-chip (NoC), network
congestion, task assignment, neural network (NN)
14-3 |
14:20-14:45 |
An 87 × 49 Mutual Capacitance Touch Sensing IC Enabling 0.5
mm-diamater Stylus Signal Detection at 240 Hz-Reporting-Rate with Palm Rejection
Yoshida, MutsumiHamaguchi, Takahiro Morishita, Shinji Shinjo, Akira Nagao,
Masayuki Miyamoto
Sharp Corporation, Japan.
A touch
sensing system capable of stylus input should have "palm rejection" function which
allows a user to place one's palm on the surface of the touch sensor while
writing with a stylus. A simple and effective technique to realize "palm
rejection" function is implemented in a newly developed mutual capacitance
touch sensing IC. Furthermore, in order not to report unwanted touches due to
large palm signals, a palm detection filter is introduced.
Keywords: mutual capacitance, touch sensing,
stylus, palm rejection, alternating drive
14-4 |
14:45-15:10 |
A 2.5W Tablet Speaker Delivering 3.2W Pseudo High Power by
Psychoacoustic Model Based Adaptive Power Management System
Chen, Ke-Horng Chen
EE, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
for a 2.5W
speaker in tablets, the proposed adaptive power management (APM) system can
deliver a pseudo high power of 3.2W with a ±4V supply because it suppresses
0.7W power on tones that may damage a 2.5W speaker and escape the notice of
human ears. With z-domain digital signal processing (z-DSP) and psychoacoustic
model, high efficient power management and high sound quality can be achieved
simultaneously. Conventional automatic gain control (AGC) only has the ability
of 0.32W power suppression. Moreover, suppressing power by conventional
clipping technique increases total-harmonic-distortion (THD). In contrast, the
proposed real-time dynamic loading impedance (RT-DLI) monitoring brings forward
a way to solve the problem on speaker damage while keeping low THD during high
sound pressure level (SPL). THD in the APM system is slightly higher than that
of original sound 1.1dB, comparing to the disadvantage of 8.6dB increasing
caused by conventional clipping technique.
Keywords: power suppression, psychoacoustic
model, speaker protection, class D audio amplifier, digital signal processing
14-5 |
15:10-15:22 |
An Intermittent-Driven Supply-Current Equalizer for
11x and 4x Power-Overhead Savings in CPA-Resistant 128bit AES Cryptographic
Miura, Daisuke Fujimoto, RieKorenaga, Kohei Matsuda, Makoto Nagata
Kobe University, Japan.
supply-current equalizer disables a Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attack on
an AES cryptographic processor. An intermittent operation only at processing
rounds critical to key disclosure suppresses the equalizer power overhead
almost one order of magnitude. For this low-power intermittent operation, a
Thru operation mode is proposed with minimum hardware overhead. A level-shift
comparator hides its own power consumption in an internal equalized virtual
supply to guarantee secure protection of a secret key. Test-chip measurement in
0.18μm CMOS successfully demonstrates CPA-attack resiliency. The equalizer
power overhead is reduced to 1/11 which is only 8% of 128bit AES processor
power consumption.
Keywords: hardware security, cryptography,
side-channel attack
14-6 |
15:22-15:35 |
A 1-100Mb/S 0.5-9.9mW LDPC Convolutional Code Decoder for Body
Area Network
Chen, Sheng-Jhan Wu, Hsie-Chia Chang, Chen-Yi Lee
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
A low
power LDPC convolutional code decoder is implemented in 90nm CMOS technology.
The proposal demonstrates a novel FEC candidate based on shift/shared memory
architecture for the IEEE 802.15.4g and 802.15.6 body area network
applications. Measurement shows the test chip achieves (1) 1 to 100Mb/s with power
consumption of 0.5 to 9.9mW under 0.6V supply voltage (2) better error
correcting performance compared with Viterbi decoder under same silicon area.
Keywords: LDPC-CC, Body Area Network, Low Power
Session 15:
Analog Circuits and Systems
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 13:30-15:10hrs
Venue Diamond III,
Chair Tetsuya Hirose, Kobe University, Japan
Co-Chair Li-Ren Huang, Industrial Technology Research
Institute, Taiwan
15-1 |
13:30-13:55 |
A 1V Input 3-to-6V Output Integrated 58%-Efficient Charge-Pump
with Hybrid Topology and Parasitic Energy Collection for 66% Area Reduction and
11% Efficiency Improvement
Tsai, Sheng-AnKo, Hui-Huan Wang, Chia-Wei Wang, Po-Chiun Huang
National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, Taiwan.
This paper
presents a low-area, high-efficiency hybrid 6-stage voltage multiplier by
cascoding Dickson charge-pumps and modified Cockcroft-Walton charge-pumps, and
paralleling them with auxiliary charge-pumps. The proposed architecture obtains
a good area and efficiency performance without using high-V devices or external
capacitors. Implemented in standard 0.18-μm CMOS process, the prototype
provides a wide output range of 3-6V and 30-240μA load from a 1-V supply with
an efficiency of 48-58% (52% at 6V). By using on-chip MOS capacitors as
internal pumping capacitors, a 66% area reduction is gained. The area shrinks
to 0.05mm2 per 9× interleaved cell. The efficiency loss due to
parasitics is compensated by creating auxiliary parasitic pumping pathes to
collect parasitic energy. With this feed-forward parasitic charge-pump, the
efficiency increases extra 11%. Higher efficiency is thus measured than most
reported on-chip Dickson CPs and cascodeddoublers of comparable gain.
Keywords: Charge-pump, Switched-capacitor,
DC-DC boost converter, voltage multiplier, high-voltage, MOSCAP
15-2 |
13:55-14:20 |
A 12-V Charge Pump-Based Square Wave Driver in 65-nm CMOS
Ismail, Chih-Kong Ken Yang
UCLA, United States.
This paper
presents a high-voltage output stage producing signals well beyond the voltage
ratings of standard devices in a nanometer-scale CMOS technology. The driver
composes of a two-level, switched capacitor output stage that combines both
voltage-conversion and pulse-drive. The design is highly modular and enables
extended device stacking seamlessly with little overhead. The design achieves a
peak power efficiency of 64%, a minimum drive resistance of 3.7KΩ and occupies
an area of 0.06mm2.
Keywords: Charge pumps, driver circuits,
high-voltage techniques, transistor stacking
15-3 |
14:20-14:45 |
A Programmable Discrete-Time Filter Employing Hardware-Efficient
Two-Dimensional Implementation Method
Choi, M. Kumarasamy Raja, M. AnnamalaiArasu
Institute of Microelectronics, A-STAR, Singapore.
programmable discrete-time (DT) filter for wideband wireless systems is
presented. A 2-dimensional FIR implementation reduces the complexity by
creating a convolution between charge-sharing and charge-accumulation filters.
The filter down-converts the input over a wide frequency while limiting the
variation in the output rate, by programming the decimation factor in
proportion to the carrier frequency. The filter is fabricated in 65nm CMOS for
a proof-of-concept in 100-300MHz. When the decimation factor is selected to be
proportional to the input frequency, variation ranges of gain and bandwidth
were narrow as 56.8-59.1dB and 1.22-1.27MHz. The filter rejects aliasing
frequencies more than 35dB.
Keywords: discrete-time filter, wideband,
switched-capacitor filter, reconfigurable, software-defined radio (SDR)
15-4 |
14:45-15:10 |
A Low-Input-Swing AC-DC Voltage Multiplier Using Schottky Diodes
Luo, Shen-Iuan Liu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
low-input-swing AC-DC voltage multiplier using Schottky diodes is presented.
The equivalent model of the voltage multiplier is developed and analyzed. To
enhance power conversion efficiency (PCE), a matching network is added. For a
multiple-stage voltage multiplier, a limiting circuit is added for over-voltage
protection. A single-stage/three-stage voltage multiplier with a limiting circuit
is fabricated in a 0.18μm CMOS technology and its area is equal to 0.761mm^2.
With the matching network, the measured maximum PCE are 31.4% and 35.8% when
input amplitudes are 60mV and 160mV for a single-stage voltage multiplier and a
three-stage one, respectively, at input frequency of 1MHz.
Keywords:Schottky Diode, Voltage Multiplier
Session 16:
RF Systems
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 13:30-15:35hrs
Venue Amber+Coral,
Chair Chun HuatHeng, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Co-Chair Ting-Ping Liu, Nokia, USA
16-1 |
13:30-13:55 |
A 0.1-5GHz Flexible SDR Receiver in 65nm CMOS
Zhang, Baoyong Chi, Yang Xu, Bingqiao Liu, Qian Yu, Siyang Han, Qiongbing Liu,
Zehong Zhang, Yanqiang Gao, Zhihua Wang
Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University, China.
A 0.1-5GHz
flexible software-defined radio (SDR) receiver is presented with three RF
front-end paths (Main/Sub/HR paths). Main path and sub path can reject
out-of-band blockers and harmonic interferences, and feature low NF and high
linearity, respectively. Harmonic rejection (HR) path can effectively reject
the harmonic interferences with simple calibration mechanism. Dual feedback
LNA, class-AB Op-Amp with miller feed-forward compensation and quasi-floating
gate (QFG) techniques, reconfigurable continuous-time (CT) low pass (LP) and
complex band pass (CBP) sigma-delta ADC are proposed. This chip has been
implemented in 65nm CMOS with 9.6-47.4mA current consumption from 1.2V voltage
supply and a core chip area of 5.4mm2. The receiver main path
achieves 3.8dB NF, +5dBm/+5dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 as well as +58dBm IIP2. The sub
path achieves +10dBm/+18dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 as well as +61dBm IIP2. And it
offers RF filtering with 10dB rejection at 10MHz offset. The HR path achieves
+13dBm/+14dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 and >54/56dB 3rd/5th-order harmonic rejection
with 30-40dB rejection improvement by calibration.
Keywords: SDR, Receiver, Sigma-Delta ADC, LNA,
16-2 |
13:55-14:20 |
A 1.44mm2 4-Channel UWB Beamforming Receiver with
Q-Compensation in 65nm CMOS
Lei Wang,
Yong Lian, Chun HuatHeng
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
A compact
4-channel UWB beamforming receiver is proposed by employing low-Q LC delay with
Q-compensation technique. The delay chain achieves 224 ps delay range with 7 ps
delay resolution. It occupies area of 1.44 mm2, which is 7 times
smaller than other UWB beamformer with LC delay. To compensate the losses
generated by low Q inductors and minimize the power consumption, current reuse
LNA and buffers are adopted. The receiver covers scanning angle of ±48° with
spatial resolution of 4° under antenna spacing of 3 cm while consuming 288 mW.
Keywords: UWB beamforming receiver, wideband
phase shifter, current reuse LNA, current reuse buffer, noise cancelling LNA
16-3 |
14:20-14:45 |
A Fully-Integrated Reconfigurable Dual-Band Transceiver for Short
Range Wireless Communication in 180nm CMOS
Yu, Meng Wei, Yun Yin, Ying Song, Siyang Han, Qiongbing Liu, ZongmingJin,
Xiliang Liu, Zhihua Wang, Baoyong Chi
Institute of Microelectronics, China.
fully-integrated reconfigurable dual-band transceiver for short range wireless
communication has been implemented in 180nm CMOS. In Sub-GHz band, the maximum
75dBc 3rd HRR is achieved by using a RFA with notch filtering. In 2.4GHz band,
a single-ended-to-differential RFA with phase and gain error compensation is
proposed. Class-C VCOs are employed in the Σ-Δ fractional-N PLL to save the
power. Moreover, multi-mode CMOS PAs with power-control loops are proposed to
enhance the efficiency at back-off powers.
Keywords: CMOS, wireless transceiver, short
range wireless communications, harmonic rejection, power amplifier, PAPR
16-4 |
14:45-15:10 |
A 0.65V 0.95mW 2.4GHz/400MHz Dual-Mode Phase Modulator for Mobile
Healthcare Applications
Yang Li2,
Ni Xu2, Yining Zhang2, Woogeun Rhee2, Sanghoon
Kang1, Zhihua Wang2
South Korea.
University, China.
A 0.65V
2.4GHz/400MHz digital-intensive phase modulator is implemented in 65nm CMOS. In
ultra-low voltage design, the two-point modulator suffers a lot from the DCO
nonlinearity. In this work, we employ a 2.4GHz semidigital fractional-N PLL
with an FIR filter embedded 1-bit high-pass modulation to overcome the
nonlinearity problem in the conventional two-point modulator. The 400MHz
modulator performs an FIR-embedded OQPSK modulation to reduce the spectral
regrowth in high frequencies. For compact area and low voltage design, an
inverter based phase interpolator with a harmonic filtering technique is
designed after generating multiphase signals directly from the 2.4GHz output.
The 1Mb/s GFSK 2.4GHz and the 10Mb/s OQPSK 400MHz modulators consume 0.94mW and
1.2mW and achieve the EVM values of 5.7% and 6.4% respectively.
Keywords: wireless transceiver, RF, ultra-low
power, ultra-low voltage, phase modulator
16-5 |
15:10-15:22 |
An Ultra-Low-Power RF Transceiver with a 1.5-pJ/bit
Maximally-Digital Impulse-Transmitter and an 89.5-uW Super-Regenerative RSSI
Ito2, Shoichi Masui1, Youichi Momiyama1,
Yoshihiro Yoneda2, Taiki Ibe2, Taisuke Hamada2,
Noboru Ishihara2, Kazuya Masu2
Laboratories Ltd., Japan.
Institute of Technology, Japan.
This paper
proposes an RF transceiver with a maximally-digital impulse transmitter (I-TX)
and a super-regenerative received-signal-strength-indicator (RSSI) circuit for
wireless sensor network application. Our I-TX enables strict bit-level duty
cycling operation to achieve both ultra-low power consumption and superior
energy-per-bit in kb/s to Mb/s range. The proposed RSSI for low-power
localization and low-rate downlink measures input power by exploiting the
phenomenon that the oscillation start-up time logarithmically accelerates as
input power increases. The I-TX fabricated in a 65nm CMOS achieves 1.5 pJ/bit
at 10 Mb/s. The RSSI with -85 dBm sensitivity consumes 89.5 uW with modest
dynamic range and linearity.
Keywords: RF CMOS, Sensor Network
16-6 |
15:22-15:35 |
A 103 pJ/Bit Multi-Channel Reconfigurable GMSK/PSK/16-QAM
Transmitter with Band-Shaping
Xiayun Liu2,
Yuan Gao1, Wei-Da Toh1, San-Jeow Cheng1,
Minkyu Je1, Chun-Huat Heng2
of Microelectronics, ASTAR, Singapore.
University of Singapore, Singapore.
This paper
presents a 401~406 MHz GMSK/PSK/16-QAM TX for biomedical application. Using DLL
based phase interpolated synthesizer and injection-locked ring oscillator, we
achieve fine frequency tuning and multi-phase output without any need of phase
calibration. Through direct quadrature modulation at the digital PA, the TX
achieves less than 6% EVM for data rate up to 12.5Mb/s. The band-shaping
maximizes spectral efficiency with ACPR of -33dB. Consuming 2.57mW, the TX
achieves energy efficiency of 103pJ/bit.
Keywords: transmitter, reconfigurable,
injection locking, band shaping,energy efficiency
Session 17:
Equalizer and Clock Data Recovery
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 13:30-15:35hrs
Venue Agate+Pearl,
Chair Jun Terada, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone,
Co-Chair Chao-Cheng Lee, Realtek, Taiwan
17-1 |
13:30-13:55 |
A 5-20 Gb/S Power Scalable Adaptive Linear Equalizer Using Edge
Lin2, Chang-Cheng Huang2, Jiunn-Yih Lee1,
Chih-Tien Chang1, Shen-Iuan Liu2
Semiconductor Inc, Taiwan.
Taiwan University, Taiwan.
A 5-20Gb/s
power scalable adaptive continuous-time linear equalizer (CTLE) using edge
counting is fabricated in 40-nm CMOS technology. The edge counting method
adopts the proposed data rate detection circuit to adaptively adjust the
bandwidth and power of the CTLE. For the wide data rate application, the power
efficiency of the CTLE is improved.
Keywords: adaptive CTLE, power scalable
17-2 |
13:55-14:20 |
A 3.12 pJ/Bit, 19-27 Gbps Receiver with 2 Tap-DFE Embedded Clock
and Data Recovery
Chen, Zheng-Hao Hong
NCTU, Taiwan.
19-27-Gb/s receiver comprising of a continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE)
followed by a 2 tap decision feedback equalizer embedded clock and data
recovery circuit is implemented. The hybrid CDR is operated at half rate, which
is incorporated into a broad band PLL to facilitate ISI and jitter suppression
over wide band operation. A quadrature relaxation type oscillator is proposed
to provide the sampling phases without bulky inductors. Fabricated in a 40 nm
CMOS technology, the whole receiver manifests a high energy efficiency of 3.12pJ/bit at 27 Gbps operation to
compensate 20 dB channel loss at Nyquist frequency. The core area is 0.09 mm2
Keywords: CTLE, DFE, CDR, PLL
17-3 |
14:20-14:45 |
A 2X25 Gb/S Clock and Data Recovery with Background
Amplitude-Locked Loop
Kao, Kuan-Lin Fu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
A 2X25
Gb/s clock and data recovery circuit is fabricated in a 40-nm CMOS process. A
background amplitude-locked loop is proposed to reduce the amplitude variation
of a charge-steering-logic return-to-zero latch. The measured rms jitter is
2.26 ps and the peak-to-peak jitter is 15.56 ps for a 25 Gb/s PRBS of 27-1. It dissipates
8.8 mw per channel from 1.15 V supply.
Keywords: Clock and Data Recovery
17-4 |
14:45-15:10 |
A 0.011 mm2 PVT-Robust Fully-Synthesizable CDR with a
Data Rate of 10.05 Gb/S Using Injection-Locking Technique
Narayanan, Wei Deng, Yang Dongsheng, Wu Rui, Kenichi Okada, Akira Matsuzawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
This paper
presents a fully synthesized clock and data recovery circuit using injection
locking technique. The challenges presented by automated place and route for
high speed applications is overcome using background calibration mecha- nism.
The fully-synthesizable all-digital architecture presented in this work is
fabricated in 28nm FDSOI technology. The system has a top data-rate of
10.05Gb/s while consuming 16mW power from 1.0V suppy.
Keywords: CDR, Injection-locking, synthesizable
17-5 |
15:10-15:35 |
A 6-Gb/S Adaptive-Loop-Bandwidth Clock and Data Recovery (CDR)
Chiueh, Tai-Cheng Lee
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
adaptive circuit is proposed to adjust CDR loop bandwidth based on different
jitter spectral profile for better jitter performance. The preventional lock
detector (PLD) is employed to achieve better jitter suppression ability without
jitter tolerance (JTOL) degradation. The proposed circuit enhances the jitter
suppression by 14.14 dB at an 8-MHz sinusoidal jitter source. This adaptive
block is fully-digital synthesized and the whole circuit consumes 86.4 mW for a
6-Gb/s input data.
Keywords: jitter suppression,jittertolerance,adaptive
loop bandwidth
Session 18:
Circuit Techniques for Emerging Applications
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 15:55-18:00hrs
Venue Diamond II,
Chair Shinichiro Mutoh, Nippon Telegraph and
Telephone, Japan
Co-Chair YoungcheolChae, Yonsei University, Korea
18-1 |
15:55-16:20 |
A 3.3V 15.6b 6.1pJ/0.02%RH with 10ms Response Humidity Sensor for
Respiratory Monitoring
Yi-Tse Lai, Yu-Tao Yang, Bang-Jing Chen, Chun-Jen Shen, Ming-Feng Shiu,
Zih-Cheng He, Hsie-Chia Chang, Chen-Yi Lee
National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan.
event-driven and energy-efficient humidity sensor for environment detection and
healthcare monitoring is presented. A differential CMOS-MEMS humidity device
and proportion-based capacitance-to-digit readout circuit are proposed to
overcome PVT variations, and in the meantime to improve sensitivity, response
time, and conversion energy. This chip achieves 15.6b 20-90 %RH at 1KS/s, 6.1pJ
per 0.02%RH of sensitivity, and 10ms fast response time in TSMC 0.35-μm CMOS
MEMS process. With variations in temperature and voltage, our proposal can
minimize the errors from 40%RH to 0.2%RH and 50%RH to 0.1%RH, making it very
suitable for wearable respiratory monitoring.
Keywords: Humidity Sensor, Capacitive Sensing,
Low Power/ Energy, Respiratory Monitoring, Healty-Care
18-2 |
16:20-16:45 |
A 5.2mW IEEE 802.15.6 HBC Standard Compatible Transceiver with
Power Efficient Delay-Locked-Loop Based BPSK Demodulator
Cho, Hyungwoo Lee, JoonsungBae, Hoi-Jun Yoo
KAIST, South Korea.
A low
power fully IEEE 802.15.6 HBC compatible transceiver is implemented in 0.13μm
CMOS process. The transmitter uses an analog active filter instead of digital
type filter to remove the power-hungry high speed DAC and clock generation. In
the receiver, a power-efficient delay-locked-loop (DLL) based BPSK demodulator
is adopted to relax the stability problem of synchronization feedback loop. The
sample and hold operation in the control voltage of the DLL enables the
receiver to turn off the synchronization circuits during the hold time, leading
to over 30% power reduction. The energy detection ability with Received Signal
Strength Indicator (RSSI) detector for MAC operation adjusts the operating mode
of LNA and even reconfigures the receiver architecture for power-efficient
operation, resulting in over 70% power saving. As a result, the proposed
transceiver can fully satisfy the HBC standard while consuming 4.3mA from the
1.2V supply.
Keywords: IEEE 802.15.6, HBC, BPSK, DLL-based
demodulator, RSSI, active filter
18-3 |
16:45-17:10 |
A 0.4V 280-nW Frequency Reference-Less Nearly All-Digital Hybrid
Domain Temperature Sensor
Zhao, Rui Pan, Yajun Ha, Zhi Yang
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
This paper
presents a subthreshold frequency reference-less temperature sensor. Compared
with the previous designs that rely on external frequency references or
excessive analog blocks, this work proposes a novel
subthresholdratioed-current/delay sensor core and hybrid-domain all-digital
processing technique, which eliminates the dependence on frequency reference
and is scalable to technology feature size. Our sensor has been fabricated in a
65-nm CMOS process and occupies a total area of 0.022mm^2. Measurement results
from 8 test chips have shown that the maximum inaccuracy is -1.6 oC/+ 1oC
across 0 oC to 100 oC with power consumption of 280nW at 0.4V.
Keywords:Subthreshold, temperature sensor,
frequency reference, hybrid domain
18-4 |
17:10-17:35 |
A 135 μW 0.46mΩ/√Hz Thoracic Impedance Variance Monitor with
Square-Wave Current Modulation
Chih-Chan Tu, Feng-Wen Lee, Dong-Feng Yeih*, and Tsung-Hsien
National Taiwan University,
Tien Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
Abstract -
A low-power high-resolution thoracic impedance variance (TIV) monitoring
circuit is presented. The TIV information is extracted by injecting a
square-wave modulated current to the body. The resulted voltage is then
demodulated by a proposed delayed-sampling technique. This proposed technique
solves the gain-error issue occurred in prior square-wave modulated
architectures. Furthermore, compared with sine-wave modulation, the proposed
TIV monitoring circuit is more power efficient. Fabricated in a 0.18-μm CMOS,
this chip draws 75 μA from a 1.8-V supply. The equivalent input-referred
impedance noise density is only 0.46 mΩ/√Hz.
Keywords: Thoracic Impedance Variance,
Square-wave Modulation
18-5 |
17:35-17:47 |
A 10μA on-Chip Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy System for
Huanfen Yao, BabakParviz, Brian Otis
University of Washington, United States.
This work
proposes a new time-domain integration method to realize Electrochemical
Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). Unlike traditional EIS systems which use a
quadrature sinusoid stimulus, we propose a low-frequency, low-amplitude
sinusoid stimulus, which is realized through a sinusoid DAC without the need
for analog filter. The error caused by harmonic generation can be suppressed
through integration in detection. The response current is sensed by a switched
capacitor integrator with control synchronized with sinusoid DAC. The
integration output is sampled and digitized by an 8-bit SAR ADC. The (1×1.1)mm^2
prototype is fabricated in a 130nm CMOS process. It consumes 10μA from a 1.2V
Keywords: Electrochemical Impedance
Spectroscopy, sinusoid DAC, time-domain integration
18-6 |
17:47-18:00 |
22.5 dB Open-Loop Gain, 31 Khz GBW Pseudo-CMOS Based Operational
Amplifier with a-IGZO TFTs on a Flexible Film
Ishida2, Reza Shabanpour2, Bahman Boroujeni2,
Tilo Meister2, Luisa Petti1, Niko Mnzenrieder1, Giovanni
Salvatore1, Corrado Carta2, Gerhard Tr"ster1,
Frank Ellinger2
Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Universit„t Dresden, Germany.
This paper
presents an operational amplifier integrated in a flexible a-IGZO TFT
technology. The circuit consists of only nMOS transistors, and the pair of
active loads is in a pseudo-CMOS configuration. The amplifier is fabricated on
a flexible film, and characterized with 5 V supply voltage and an output load
capacitance of 15 pF. The measured open-loop gain is 22.5 dB, which is the
highest reported for operational amplifiers in metal-oxide TFT technology. The
measured bandwidth and gain bandwidth products are 5.6 kHz, and 31 kHz,
respectively with 160 μW power consumption, which is lowest among flexible
operational amplifies.
Keywords: Flexible, a-IGZO TFT, operational
amplifier, active load, low power
Session 19:
Low Power ADCs
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 15:55-17:35hrs
Venue Diamond III,
Chair Tai-Cheng Lee, National Taiwan University,
Co-Chair Liyuan Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
19-1 |
15:55-16:20 |
A 0.022mm2 98.5dB SNDR Hybrid Audio Delta-Sigma
Modulator with Digital Eld Compensation in 28nm CMOS
Wang, Yu-Hsin Lin, Chun-Cheng Liu
Mediatek, Taiwan.
In this
paper, a hybrid ΔΣ modulator with 6-bit shared asynchronous successive
approximation register (ASAR) quantizer for audio application is proposed in
28nm CMOS process. The modulator incorporates a 1st-order analog filter and a
1st-order digital filter, which enables highly integration of digital signal
processing at low power and small area. The 1st-order digital filter is
developed to reduce the area significantly by replacing the conventional analog
2nd integrator. Moreover, the proposed digital filter provides digital excess
loop delay (ELD) compensation which eliminates the conventional analog ELD
feedback DAC. In addition, R-DAC is adopted to alleviate the flicker noise in
28nm process. The measured result shows 98.5dB SNDR and 100.6dB DR within 24kHz
bandwidth, while occupying 0.022mm2 and achieving aFoM of
343fJ/conv. (Power/(2BW·2ENOB)) or 173.8dB (DR+10*log(BW/Power)).
Keywords: delta sigma modulator
19-2 |
16:20-16:45 |
A 1V 59 fJ/Step 15 MHz BW 74 dB SNDR Continuous-Time ΔΣ Modulator
with Digital Eld Compensation and Multi-Bit FIR Feedback
Yi Zhang2,
Chia-Hung Chen2, Tao He2, Nancy Qian1, Ed Liu1,
Phillip Elliott1, Gabor Temes2
Integrated, United States.
State University, United States.
3rd-order continuous-time ΔΣ modulator with a highly-digital excess loop delay
compensation and multi-bit FIR feedback, to be used in an ultrasound
beamformer, is presented. A
digitally controlled reference switching matrix avoids the power-hungry adder,
and allows a power-efficient design of the loop filter. A 2-bit FIR feedback
DAC permits the use of a noise transfer function with high out-of-band-gain,
and reduces sensitivity to clock jitter. The modulator operates at 1.2 GHz, and
achieves 79.4 dB dynamic range, 77.3 dB SNR and 74.3 dB SNDR over a 15 MHz
signal bandwidth. Fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process, the core modulator
occupies 0.16 mm2 and dissipates 6.96mW from a 1 V supply. A 58.6
fJ/conversion-step figure of merit is achieved.
Keywords: Continuous-Time ΔΣ Modulator, Excess Loop Delay
compensation, Reference Switching, Multi-bit FIR Feedback
19-3 |
16:45-17:10 |
A 0.3V 10bit 7.3fJ/Conversion-Step SAR ADC in 0.18μm CMOS
Hsieh, Shen-Iuan Liu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
A 0.3V
10-bit rail-to-rail SAR ADC is realized in 0.18-μm CMOS technology without
calibration. To operate for a 0.3-V supply, a DBS switch, a supply-boosted
time-domain comparator, and the dynamic control circuit are presented. This ADC
achieves the SNDR of 54.57dB and the SFDR of 69.89dB, respectively. The DNL and
INL are +0.51/-0.62 LSB and +1.06/-1.05 LSB, respectively. The power consumes
15.9nW at 5kS/s from a 0.3V supply. A figure-of-merit of 7.3fJ/conversion-step
for this ADC is achieved.
Keywords: successive approximation register,
ADC, low supply voltage
19-4 |
17:10-17:35 |
A 10b 100kS/S SAR ADC with Charge Recycling Switching Method
Chiang2, Soon-Jyh Chang2, Guan-Ying Huang1,
Ying-Zu Lin1
Cheng Kung, Taiwan.
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
This paper
presents a low-voltage and energy-efficient 10b SAR ADC which manipulates
charge recycling switching method for saving the switching energy. In
additional, a window-based reconfigurable comparator is used to achieve fast
comparison and small power dissipation. The proposed 10b SAR ADC operates at
100kS/s with 0.4V supply voltage in 90nm CMOS. The measurement results show
that the prototype ADC achieve 55.37dB SNDR at Nyquist rate with only 107nW.
The Figure-of-Merit (FoM) is 2.23fJ/conv.-step
Keywords: SAR ADC, Charge Recycling
Session 20:
RF Building Blocks
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 15:55-18:00hrs
Venue Amber+Coral,
Chair Baoyong Chi, Tsinghua University, China
Co-Chair Chien-Nan Kuo, Nationa Chao Tung University,
20-1 |
15:55-16:20 |
RF Transconductor Linearization Technique Robust to Process,
Voltage and Temperature Variations
Kundur Subramaniyan1, Eric A.M. Klumperink1, Venkatesh
Srinivasan2, Ali Kiaei3, Bram Nauta1
Group, University of Twente, Netherlands.
Instruments, Dallas, Texas, United States.
Instruments, Santa Clara, California, United States.
A new
reconfigurable linearized low noise transconductance amplifier (LNTA) design
for a software-defined radio receiver is presented. The transconductor design
aims at realizing high linearity at RF in a way that is robust for Process,
Voltage and Temperature variations. It exploits resistive degeneration in
combination with a floating battery by-pass circuit and replica biasing to improve
IIP3 in a robust way. The LNTA with current domain mixer is implemented in a
45nm CMOS process. Compared to an inverter based LNTA with the same
transconductance, it improves PIIP3 from 2 dBm to a robust PIIP3 of 8 dBm at
the cost of 67% increase in power consumption.
Keywords: CMOS, Software-defined Radio, Receiver,
Linearity, Transconductor, Transconductor Figure-of-Merit, PVT, robust circuit
20-2 |
16:20-16:45 |
A Feedforward Noise and Distortion Cancellation Technique for CMOS
Broadband LNA-Mixer
Hsieh, Chang-Ming Lai, Chi-Fu Li, Shih-Chieh Chou, Jenny Yi-Chun Liu, Po-Chiun
National Tsing Hwa University, Taiwan.
This work
presents a circuit technique for broadband LNA-mixer to improve the noise and
distortion performance simultaneously. By introducing an auxiliary feedforward
path that carries the LNA noise and third-order intermodulation distortion
(IM3) with equal magnitude and opposite phase to mixer output, the overall
noise and IM3 are reduced while the signal is enhanced. The power overhead is
small compared to the conventional tradeoff between the power consumption and
linearity performance. The test circuit using a 0.18μm CMOS process includes a
shunt-feedback LNA and two cross-coupled active mixers. All the circuits
consume 7.7 mA from a 1.8 V supply. The signal bandwidth is 2 GHz. At 900MHz
the voltage gain and noise figure are 19 dB and 6.2 dB respectively. There is
2.7dB NF and 10.1dB IM3 improvements with only 15% power overhead.
Keywords: noise and distortion cancellation,
linearization, low power, shunt-feedback, broadband.
20-3 |
16:45-17:10 |
An Ultra-Low-Cost ESD-Protected 0.65dB NF +10dBm OP1dB GNSS LNA in
0.18-Um SOI CMOS
FeiSong1, Chun Geik
Tan2, Osama
1Mediatek USA Inc., United States.
2Mediatek Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore.
ESD-protected GNSS LNA, implemented in 0.18um SOI CMOS process, uses only one
external series inductor as input matching. The input common-source transistor
is biased in weak inversion region and operates at Class-AB mode, which greatly
improves linearity and saves quiescent current. A bond wire to ground is
adopted as source-degeneration and to realize input matching. Design trade-offs
among NF, stability and ESD protection are analyzed. The LNA achieves an
ultra-low NF of 0.65dB, a power
gain of 19.2dB, an output P1dB of
+10dBm, while consuming 5.9mA from 2.8V supply. The LNA is housed in a 6-pin
LGA package with a die area (including pads) of 0.28mm2. It passes
2.5KV HBM, 200V MM and 250V CDM ESD tests.
20-4 |
17:10-17:35 |
A Frequency-Reconfigurable Multi-Standard 65nm CMOS Digital
Transmitter with LTCC Interposers
Kuo2, Bonjern Yang2, Chaoying Wu2, Lingkai
Kong2, Angie Wang2, Michael Reiha1, Elad Alon2,
Ali Niknejad2, Borivoje Nikolic2
United States.
United States.
This paper
demonstrates a CMOS digital polar transmitter with flip-chip interconnection to
low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) interposers. The LTCC interposers
contain the PA output balun targeting different operating frequency bands, and
the reconfiguration in the carrier frequency is achieved by selecting an
appropriate LTCC interposer. The same CMOS core transmitter is re-used for
different frequency bands. In this
design, an output power higher than 22 dBm from 0.6 to 2.4 GHz is demonstrated,
with peak power of 27.1 dBm and peak efficiency of 52%. The polar transmitter
includes 9-bit phase interpolation and 8-bit amplitude modulation, suitable and
verified as a multi-standard universal digital modulator.
Keywords: digital polar modulation, digital
transmitter, LTCC, CMOS, power amplifier
20-5 |
17:35-17:47 |
A 44.9% PAE Digitally-Assisted Linear Power Amplifier in 40 nm
Qian, Jose Silva-Martinez
Texas A&M University, United States.
This paper
presents a 1.9 GHz linear power amplifier (PA) architecture that improves its
power efficiency in the power back-off (PBO) region. The combination of power
transistor segmentation and digital gain compensation effectively enhances its
efficiency. A fast switching scheme is proposed, such that PA segments are
switched on and off according to signal power, i.e. the proposed scheme makes
the PA power consumption correlates with the power of the input signal. Binary
power gain variations due to segmentation are dynamically compensated in the
digital domain. The proposed solution overcomes the trade-off between
efficiency and linearity by employing the digital predistortion technique. The
PA is implemented in 40 nm CMOS process, it delivers a saturated output power
of 35 dBm with 44.9% power-added efficiency (PAE) and linear gain of 38 dB. The
adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) at +/- 5 MHz at a maximum linear output
power of 31 dBm for a baseband WCDMA signal is -35.8 dBc.
Keywords: Power amplifier, Radio frequency,
Linear power amplifier, Multimode power amplifier, CMOS power amplifier, RF
power amplifier (PA)
20-6 |
17:47-18:00 |
A 0.1-1.5GHz Harmonic Rejection Receiver Front-End with Hybrid 8
Phase Lo Generator, Phase Ambiguity Correction and Vector Gain Calibration
Zhang, Baoyong Chi, Zhihua Wang
Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University, China.
0.1-1.5GHz harmonic rejection (HR) receiver front-end is presented. A flexible
HR mixer is proposed to correct phase ambiguity, and a vector gain calibration
is used to eliminate the gain/phase mismatch and improve the HR ratio. With the
proposed hybrid 8 phase local oscillating (LO) generator, the highest carrier
frequency from the frequency synthesizer is only twice of the desired LO
frequency. The HR receiver has been implemented in 65nm CMOS. With 1.8mm2
core chip area and 5.4-24.5mA current consumption from a 1.2V power supply, the
receiver achieves 85dB conversion gain, 4.3dB NF, +13dBm/+14dBm IB/OB-IIP3,
>54/56 dB HR3/HR5 with 30-40dB improvement by calibration, and 2.3% EVM with
32QAM modulation signal.
Keywords: harmonic rejection, receiver, phase
ambiguity, LO generator, vector gain calibration
Session 21:
High-speed Wireline Building Blocks
Date / Time November
12, 2014 (Wednesday) / 15:55-18:00hrs
Venue Agate+Pearl,
Chair Bo Zhang, Broadcom, USA
Co-Chair Che-Fu Liang, Mediatek, Taiwan
21-1 |
15:55-16:20 |
A 50-Gb/S Differential Transimpedance Amplifier in 65nm CMOS
Sang Gyun
Kim2, Seung Hwan Jung3, Yun Seong Eo3,
SeungHoon Kim1, Xiao Ying1, Hanbyul Choi1,
Chaerin Hong1, Kyungmin Lee1, Sung Min Park1
Womans University, South Korea.
University, South Korea.
R&D, South Korea.
A 50-Gb/s
differential transimpedance amplifier is realized in a standard 65nm CMOS
process, which exploits asymmetric transformer peaking technique for bandwidth
extension and employs a modified regulated-cascode input stage with a
shunt-feedback common-source amplifier for differential signaling. Measured
results demonstrate 52-dBmtransimpedance gain, 50-GHz bandwidth for 50fF
photodiode capacitance, -12.3dBm sensitivity for 10-12 BER, and 49.2-mW power
dissipation from a single 1.2-V supply. To the best of authors' knowledge, this
chip achieves the fastest operation speed among the recently reported gigabit
CMOS transimpedance amplifiers. The chip occupies the total area of 1.2×0.8mm2
including pad.
Keywords: CMOS, regulated-cascode, TIA,
21-2 |
16:20-16:45 |
A 3 MHz-to-1.8 GHz 94 uW-to-9.5 mW 0.0153-mm2
All-Digital Delay-Locked Loop in 65-nm CMOS
Cheng1, Jinn-Shyan Wang2, Pei-Yuan Chou2,
Shiou-Ching Chen2, Chi-Tien Sun1, Yuan-Hua Chu1,
Tzu-Yi Yang1
Technology Research Institute, Taiwan.
Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.
It is
challenging to design a closed-loop all-digital delay-locked loop (ADDLL) that
also has a small area, low power, and fast locking for a wide frequency range
operation. In this work, a cyclic half-delay-line architecture with the same
type of delay lines for cyclic delay deduction and coarse locking is proposed
to achieve the design goals of small area and fast locking for a wide frequency
range operation. In addition to clock gating, which is used to reduce power
consumption in the lock-in state regardless of the clock frequency, automatic
bypassing of the cyclic operation is developed to reduce power consumption for
high-frequency operations. Based on these proposed techniques, a 3 MHz-to-1.8
GHz 94 uW-to-9.5 mW 0.0153-mm2 closed-loop ADDLL is realized in
65-nm CMOS.
Keywords: ADDLL, wide range, small area, low
21-3 |
16:45-17:10 |
A 0.52-V 5.7-GHz Low Noise Sub-Sampling PLL with Dynamic Threshold
Sho Ikeda,
Sangyeop Lee, Hiroyuki Ito, Noboru Ishihara, Kazuya Masu
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
This paper
proposes a low voltage sub-sampling PLL with dynamic threshold MOSFET (DTMOS).
DTMOS switch can achieve higher on/off ratio, which prevents signal attenuation
and leakage of a sub-sampling phase detector (SSPD) under low supply voltage.
The proposed SSPD also employs double-balanced structure to suppress
feedthrough in hold mode. DTMOS switches are also applied to a sub-sampling
charge pump to reduce undesirable current leak. The proposed PLL was fabricated
in a 65nm CMOS. Under the power supply of 0.52V, it shows a in-band phase noise
of -98 dBc/Hz at 410 kHz, and the total power consumption of 1.72mW at 5.71 GHz
including frequency-locked loop.
Keywords: PLL, phase noise, sub-sampling
21-4 |
17:10-17:22 |
A Novel 2.4-to-3.6 GHz Wideband Subharmonically Injection-Locked
PLL with Adaptively-Aligned Injection Timing
Zhang, Liyuan Liu, Nanjian Wu
Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
A novel
wideband subharmonically injection-locked PLL (SILPLL) is proposed. It adopts a
new injection timing alignment technique to adjust injection timing adaptively
in wide range of the output clock frequency. A proposed pulse generator is used
for half-integral injection to relax the trade-off between phase-noise of
SILPLL and output frequency resolution. The SILPLL is implemented in 65nm 1P9M
CMOS process. It consumes 9.1 mW from a 1.2V supply and occupies an active core
area of 1×0.6 mm2. The measured output frequency range is 2.4~3.6GHz
and the rms jitter integrated from 1kHz to 30MHz is 146fs when output frequency
is 3GHz.
Keywords: Low jitter, half-integral injection,
subharmonically injection-locked PLL (SILPLL), wideband, adaptively-aligned,
injection timing
21-5 |
17:22-17:35 |
Asymmetric Frequency Locked Loop (AFLL) for Adaptive Clock
Generation in a 28nm SPARC M6 Processor
Sebastian Turullols, Daniel Woo, Changku Hwang, King Yen, VenkatKrishnaswamy,
KalonHoldbrook, Jinuk Shin
Oracle Inc., United States.
SPARC M6 processor features an Asymmetric Frequency Locked Loop (AFLL) that
dynamically adjusts chip frequency. It achieves 15% improved noise immunity by
reacting to the voltage noise asymmetrically through the use of a pair of DCO's
that accurately track the response of critical paths. The AFLL is implemented
in 28nm CMOS process in 0.045mm2 of area, dissipating 14mW, and
reducing jitter by 50%.
Keywords: Adaptive Clock Generator
21-6 |
17:35-18:00 |
A DC-46Gb/S 2:1 Multiplexer and Source-Series Terminated Driver in
20nm CMOS Technology
Jian Hong
Jiang, Samir Parikh, Mark Lionbarger, Nikola Nedovic, Takuji Yamamoto
Fujitsu Laboratories of America, United States.
We present
a 46Gb/s 2:1 multiplexer and a source series terminated full rate driver for
high speed chip-to-chip communications. The multiplexer and the driver are
implemented using the pseudo-differential static CMOS circuit. Transmitter
driver uses the push-pull structure to produce a VDD peak-to-peak differential
voltage swing. The circuit uses no current mode logic gates or large on-chip
passive devices aside from series-connected on-chip resistor and the T-coil
used to minimize the return loss. We confirmed the total jitter of about 7ps at
46Gb/s and eye opening of 0.605UI up to 50 Gb/s on the test circuit fabricated
in 20nm CMOS technology. Measured power consumption is 38.7mW at 46Gb/s
(0.84pJ/b power efficiency).
Keywords: multiplexer, source-series terminated
driver, transmitter, CMOS, push-pull, termination, T-coil